Thursday, May 15, 2008

Shoulda, Woulda, Coulda...

OK, remember this day??? 2 Toddlers + 2 Hours in a car = Fat Ornery Momma Well, today I had to go back to that dreadful place (Hill Air Force Base) to clear up our insurance. While I was looking for the Tricare office I found a family waiting room! It was stocked with blocks and cushion thingys and toys and other fun things! Oh how that would have been a much better option....if only I'd known!! Oh well, now I know!

Oh yeah, and isn't Grady just the cutest in his handsome hat!!


Ouyang Dan said...

Hey Amber!

I wanted to give you the link to the new blog. I moved it to Blogger.

There aren't as many pics as the old blog, but this one is safer for us!

ZOMGoodness Grady is teh cuteness!

I can not believe how much your family has grown since we saw you last!

Hope to hear from you soon!

{{{Gunter Family}}}