Wednesday, October 1, 2008

My Birthday!!

So, Happy Wonderful Birthday to me!! :) I seriously had a great day! Walter and I went out last week during Dine-a-round to the Melting Pot. So, today I was clear for "other" dates...



a little bit of these 2

with a little Thai Siam on the side!

And these ladies!!

with an IV Bender on top!! Mmmm Mmmm Good!! Oh, and a sweet 5-3 win over "the other team" getting us closer to the championship of the losers next week!

I finally hit a point in my life where I've always wanted to be. As the little sister I always wanted my sisters friends to think I was cool. Now, I don't have proof that they do think I'm cool, but they do play soccer with me and they ditched their families tonight to enjoy a Pizza Bender at Italian Village for my birthday! I seriously love these girls and am having so much fun with them. I'm so glad my sister decided to share! :)

Thanks to all for a fantabulous birthday! The phone calls, the messages, the texts, the hugs, it all added up to a great 28! (CHEEEEESY!!)

*To the husband - I love you and know you love me and thought of me all day! Just in case you were wondering! You are awesome and I am "seriously so blessed!" (but in a good, non sacrilig way ;))


Rebecca said...

I am so glad you had a great birthday. You are an amazing woman, mother, wife and sister and I am so thankful for you. I'm still waiting to go out to lunch for my birthday, now we can do yours at the same time. He he he. Love you!

Julie said...

I am so happy that you don't want to be sacrilig and that you and I get to have the same friends. Happy Birthday!

Julie said...

By the way, my bender was amazing last night.

Anonymous said...

Im glad yo had a good birthday and I am sorry that I missed it while I was in Vegas. Happy late Birthday!!

Elise said...

Hahaha, i didn't know you were going to be bella! Sorry about that, i love the books so i guess i can't not like her that much....Jk, happy birthday, looks like you had a great one, love ya!

Melinda said...

Ok, so I feel so lame for not realizing it was your birthday yesterday! So can I make it up to you by writing it in all caps? HAPPY BIRTHDAY! So you're officially in your late 20s now? You're such a kid!

youreprettytoo said...

I'm so glad I was included in your birthday celebration. I think you are cool- even if you're Julie's sister! And I also like your new blog outfit. you need to teach me how to change the backgorund without losing all your stuff on the sides. "Ahhh- the apprenctice has become the teacher."

The Peterson 5 said...

I'm glad you had a great birthday! You are still a youngin' for a few more years!!

Tamra said...

Happy Birthday! It sounds like a really fun day.

The Wessman Family said...


Mike and I also went to Melting Pot during Dine-o-Round and I love Thai Siam. (We should do lunch there sometime.)

Melinda said...

So I guess the trick is that you either have to blog about your child being in the hospital or about your birthday to collect more than 10 comments for a post? You're so awesome!