Monday, November 24, 2008


Tonight was the beginning of what we strive for every week. Family Home Evening. We finally got it together and made sure Walter was home. We had a song, "Are You Sleeping, Brother John", followed by a prayer by Winni. Then we tried to get out of Winni what she learned in Primary. She says they learned how to dance. we moved on to the game. We played "Guess Who!" our own way, then read a scripture and Trae gave the closing prayer. Then we had brownies. Wonderful! We were kind of making it up as we went along, so we had to make up the rules as we went along also. We are up to 1 rule. It is, No table dancing during FHE! We almost kept that rule...better luck next week!


The Wessman Family said...

Sounds like a fun FHE!! Mike is out of town so Abby and I just told the Christmas story and got out the Little People's nativity. (Didn't have brownies though:( just bottom of the barrel Halloween candy!)

Natalie said...

Sounds like my kind of FHE!

Erin said...

I'm curious as to who the table dancer was...Amber perhaps?

Rebecca said...

So cute. The new nursery manual has great lessons that you could use. It is available on line or just pick up your own so you have all the pictures. Easy, Cute.

youreprettytoo said...

Great FHE. I'm glad my sharing time lesson made such an impression on Winnie!