Thursday, March 26, 2009


Wait just one minute! How did this get here??

pregnancy week by week

Seems pretty accurate. I think I'll keep it!! You know, since my clothes are starting to get tight and all. At least I can say I planned it this time. All because of that one week my kids were good back in January, I decided I could handle more. So, in case you've seen me and were's not a tumor...and it's not's a baby! yeah!!


Anonymous said...

congrats!! We are going to have babies close in age!! To bad you are moving far away:(

The Peterson 5 said...

Congratulations!! You are one brave Ma-ma...will that be 4 under the age of four??

amberjill said...

Well, Winni is 4, so 4 under 5! aaaahh!!

Ouyang Dan said...

Hey congrats!

I don't know that I could handle that many kids, but you are kind of awesome at it, so there ya go!

Yay for your family!

Shearer Clan said...

Congrats! That is awesome! Are you really moving to MD? When and why?

Rebecca said...

I almost asked you yesterday when we were talking about moving if you were expecting. I had a feeling but didn't want to be pushy. You are such a great mom! I hope you get some sleep soon, you surely need it. Congratulations!

Amber said...

Yeah AMBER!! CONGRATS! That's exciting! Love your comment abt one good week.... i tried that on ryan a few weeks ago abt trying this summer.... he wasn't so sure. After this week I'm not so sure. LOL! I'm excited for you! Wahoo!!

Julie said...

If that baby grows up flipping people off then you might need to name it after her aunt Steph!! Assuming its a girl...which is what we are planning on right?

Anna said...

woot woot! congrats amber! jeepers - makes me feel like i need to jump on the band wagon! :) jk. way to go!

Kamille said...

Love it!!! You deserve 10 children for being so brave and beautiful!!

The Wessman Family said...

Congrats! I am so excited for you. When does that make the due date?

How did the house hunting trip go?

Jennifer Never said...

Was that the week you were in Nebraska with me and there were two sets of mommy hands?? Was it that spicy hotel room of Walter's? Way to go you guys! You're on your way to 10!!! That's exciting...Congrats.

Missy said...

LOL!!! congratulations!

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness oh my goodness! Your pregnant... again!! haha I'm so happy for you!! Your baby and Elise's baby can be friends!

Micaela said...


PetersonFam said...

HEY! I resemble that remark of Julie's! Well, NOT anymore! Actually, I would nEVER filp anyone off! esp now when I have all these little eyes watching! It's actually better just to smile and stick to 'my fingers in an L on my forehead' .....ticks people off even more! hahahahahaa!
Anyway AMber!! ....We are so excited for you guys~! I think it's great to have all these little ones so 'close'....they will all be best friends & enemies! You will be busy, busy, busy and that is a great thing! Start resting up now! hahaha! You are a great mom!

Lori said...

I can't believe you didn't tell us before we left for Florida! Congratulations!