Friday, April 10, 2009


Today I helped Julie put names on the Easter Eggs that her kids were selling. My mom used to make these fudge eggs and we would 'help'. My job was to put the names on, so I continue my reign as the name lady. Anyway, I got a little distracted in my brain, I know SURPRISE! I was probably thinking about food or something! So, I get distracted while writing Trae's egg and this is what I got...

Maybe I should just put it between Trae and Grady's baskets and tell them to share....we'll see how that goes over!!


Erin said...

that's a good one!!! i thought you don't mix up the kids names til you have more than 3...better get a move on it lady!!! hahaha!!!

The Peterson 5 said...

There's a name for the new baby! I also think you do a great job at writing the names!! That takes talent.

Ouyang Dan said...

You have very lovely handwriting!

I did valentine's cookies last year for Jada's K class, and while I did OK, it was no where near that nice!

(That egg looks so yummy!)

Melinda said...

What a beautiful straight line on that T! I think you have a career ahead of you in name drawing.

Kamille said...

I love it. I was wondering who the name writer was.

Lori said...

It could be worse! You could have written Blad -- which Michael H. told me was the worst swear word in Russian! Then again maybe Trady is a swear word!