Sunday, September 27, 2009


Anybody know where I can get one of these for cheap??

Apparently if I want to go anywhere, I'm gonna need one! Walter seems to think it's not big enough. He thinks this would be better...

I think he is just hoping one of those seats is for him! :)


Anonymous said...

When you do get one of these will you take a picture so I have somethng to chuckle at? Looks like fun!!

Christina said...

Holy COW!!! That thing is huge!!! Good luck manuevering that bus! :) I LOVE IT!

Melinda said...

Hahahaha! That is awesome. But you won't need one because once you have four you just won't go anywhere. You have a nice big house to hang out in now.

The Petersons said...

Your dad wants to know where you got the picture. Is there such a thing?

Kelly T, that's me! said...

Soooo funny!