Tuesday, October 20, 2009

cheap labor

One day after my birthday Walter called me from work and said he was going to hire a maid! He decided to offer me help around the house. It was a kind gesture, but I don't need no stinkin help! So, that day I went to work and scrubbed my house, just to prove my point. Well, he still felt I needed help. So, I hired my own help! Sometimes they lose focus, and sometimes I send them to the other room so I can actually get something done.

But, they sure are the cutest cheap labor I could find!


Rebecca said...

I thought maybe you were going to say some other labor had started. I'm so excited to have a new neice. I'm glad you are getting some of the other labor out of the way.

Next time you mention labor in the topic I hope it means a baby on the way.

Elise said...

hahaha i thought the same thing as my mom, you were havin a baby! I can't wait for you, its amazing how much more exciting little babies are to me now that i have one, you'd think i'd just be sick of them....i'm not. Keep me updated. And as for the cheap labor, they are adorable. Miss you

The Peterson 5 said...

They are pretty cute help! I'm sure your baby is waiting until the 28th...it is a great day to be born!!

The Petersons said...

I think the 21 would be the best for me. Hehe. Cute labor. Hope they are trained for when I come.

Julie said...

I LOVE your kids. They look great and big and your floor looks very soapy!! You are such a good mom.

Erin said...

That's the best kind around! Looks like you guys sure had lots of fun with that!

My Life, as it goes on! said...

Although they are extremely cute, you should take Walter up on his offer of getting you a maid. You should make sure you get some guy that is tan, tall, blue eyes, in extremely good shape and then see if Walter lets you keep him!

Kelly T, that's me! said...

Was it your birthday? I am a jerk. Hope you had a good day!

April said...

Wait, you said no to a maid? I just can't even fathom that. And Walter offered? Amber, we need to talk about this.