Wednesday, May 19, 2010

calling all my ladies!!

So, OBVIOUSLY I'm in need of assistance. I don't know how you all do what you do and get everything done. Every night I find myself wishing I would have done more or gotten more accomplished. I think what I need is a schedule. Either comment or blog your schedule, PLEASE! Tell me how you start your day, your morning routine, when do you schedule you time, and how. If your schedule says 'clean toilets' what are you kids doing? Are they helping you or are they busy with their own task/imagination? Do you schedule creative time with your kids. This might seem a little OCD, but I'd like to plan out my whole day. I won't follow it completely because my kids don't poop at 7 AM and 2 PM, so I will have to be laid back and go with the flow. But I feel that if I have a set schedule, then when I remember I have that schedule I can refer to it and be like, 'OK kids, the schedule says it's time for you to rub my feet, so let's get going!!' Also, as I am planning for the fall and I plan to, gasp, homeschool Winni, I need to know how you homeschooling moms schedule your day. Seriously, I need help! So, email, comment, or blog your schedule please!! :) I'll love you forever, and I'll make you cinnamon rolls, and then I'll eat them. Because my mom taught me you can't take care of anybody else, if you aren't taking care of yourself. I think she meant that about my children and sleep and so forth, but it applies to all areas of my life!


The Wessman Family said...

I'd love to have a schedule, but I don't. For a while I was into the Home Management Notebook idea on the blog It is really cool for becoming more organized. I got out of the habit for a few months, but I am trying to get back into it as of the last week or so.

Enjoy the cinnamon rolls!

Kimmie said...

I just have two kids so I don't feel like I am much help here...but my friend Kathryn {on my friends list on my blog or in facebook} has homeschooled all her 4 children - call her or email her. She is a great mum!

Rebecca said...

I have really enjoyed and learned a lot from this blog mom. She continues to inspire me and help me think things out.

Marilyn said...

There is the flylady for cleaning. Love you. Do take care of yourself.

Missy said...

Hmmm.... I wake up, eat breakfast and feed the niblets, try to work out then clean one room (or one major thing in a room) everyday. Naptime is essential for me because that is my me time. Sam is almost a nap quitter, but he gets a quiet movie so I still get a little time off.
Bedtime is quits for me too, after the kids are down, it's "us" time for me and Joey.
Good luck. I hope you get a break.

youreprettytoo said...

I use to be good at having a schedule, but now that my youngest is almost preschool age I have gotten a lot more lax not only with my schedule but also with my parenting. Ex. Before I would say "Don't run with scissors." But now it is like... "Ok, you can run with those scissors, but just be careful." :) And I am so glad you got my Twilight reference in my latest recipe post. I did it mostly for you!

Kamille said...

Fly lady has a morning routine, night time routine, and then you do one other thing during the day. Sounds simple I know but it sure helps when I do it.

Love you. Miss you at cooking club.

April said...

You're homschooling this fall? We can pull hairs out together! (We should exchange phone numbers :)

Obviously dishes and picking up is daily, but I try to break up room cleaning on different days. Tuesdays I do bathrooms, because I don't have kids things to drive to and I don't schedule playdates. I put the boys in the bath while I'm cleaning the bathroom so they aren't trying to "help" but I can still keep an eye on them.

One thing I do, which frees up a lot of time, is "bulk cooking." I plan out my menu for two weeks, each paycheck. Then I get all my ingredients that I need. If I have 7 meals that include chicken, I have one day where I spend about 2 hours cooking all the chicken, putting it in aluminum pans or freezer bags, adding the other ingredients, and storing it in the freezer. Come dinner time each day I have something easy to put in the oven or a pot to heat and throw some fresh veggies and sides with. It sounds like more work but it actually isn't. It gives me a lot more time to do ballet, gymnastics with the kids, or when I have to leave them with Daddy or a babysitter. I have a whole file of easy beef and chicken meals that freeze well I can email you if you're interested :)

Also, my kids go to bed at 7 or 7:30, which helps me take a deep breath and spend some time with the husband where I'm not looking crazy and yelling "Help me with this!"

NatalieAllyeneMeanFightingMachine said...

7 a.m. wake up/get up
empty bladders/forage
7:30 turn on PBS kids
9:30 turn off PBS kids
brush everyone's teeth
make sure everyone is clothed
10 am get in car- go somewhere- anywhere
3pm Ellen is on
4pm Oprah is on
10 pm lights out.
I know there are a few gaps- but you should really let your toilets get cleaned by the kids. They are old enough. Maybe not Maeli. Now where are my cinnamon rolls?