Sunday, February 10, 2008



The Peterson 5 said...

Amber he is so cute! I can't wait to see him. Hope you guys are doing good!

Anonymous said...

first of all...great name!

you and your midwife look like you were meant to be!

you finally got a baby that looks just like you!

love the milk man t-shirt!

you guys are lucky! you all look so happy!

and in the picture where you are "so hot", it looks like you are getting "checked" you stay in such good spirits during the whole pregnancy ordeal is beyond me...bravo!

all our love to you and that new little one!

Kamille said...

Amber - beautiful baby. The slide show is fabulous. I'm sure you'll love him. The big babies are always the best.

amberjill said...

well, before too many think the same thing as Brandann about my so hot picture, I'm not getting "checked"! hahaha The way the hospital room is set up, you basically have to hang over the side rail of the bed to see your visitors. Very well planned out! :)

Unknown said...

Im a bit late but what a cute family! You all look great! Hope your doing well and maybe talk to you soon :)