Thursday, February 21, 2008

Walter officially survived a weekend of motherhood! However, he was exhausted!! They got home safely on Tuesday night. I am so impressed with my husband! When they got home he went straight to bed, so my vacation is officially over. I missed them so much! Anyway, the reason for this post is not only to praise my husband, but to make a note of the bathing needs of my children. I put them in the tub Tuesday night after noticing they looked like they hadn't been bathed in days.....turns out I was right! The bath water was unusually murky! So, the next morning I asked Walter how many times he bathed the kids while they were gone for 5 days, he announced that he hadn't bathed them at all!! I was floored, ok not really, but a little bit! I mean, he showered everyday and all he did was watch them play in the dirt! I guess I'll now have to add to my "daddy vacation biggest fear list!" In addition to, "Nobody is going to do Winni's hair" we will add that "My children will not be bathed until they get back home to me!" Maybe I should change this list from fears to things I need to accept. One of the highlights of their trip was when Winni went potty in the toilet on the airplane. After such success she ran to the front of the plane to tell the flight attendant! She must have gotten the reaction she was looking for because we have now been wearing panties for 2 days and are well on our way to being potty trained! Woo hoo! I can't wait! To only have 2 in diapers, what a treat that will be!!


Julie said...

That is so funny. No baths huh!! Dirt is actually quite cleansing. So there you go. Tell Winni I am so happy she is such a big girl...and its about time.

The Peterson 5 said...

Winni is so cute! Well, at least she looked clean for the wedding! Those are some sweet pictures of her. You gotta love the no diapers stage too!!