Monday, June 30, 2008

My Life on the POT!!

It seems this is my lot in life! The potty! I've been trying to teach Winni about "privacy" in hopes that she will realize she can go potty without me. Well, the other day it started to set in. She begged me to come with her to the potty. She told me I needed to sit on the tub while she did her thing. Then, as soon as I sat down she looked at me and said, "MOMMY!! GET OUT!! I NEED PRIVACY!" Ahhhhh....what a nice girl!

Then, that same day Trae begged me to let him sit on the little potty while Winni was on the big potty. He does this often, but nothing happens. He has watched Winni enough that he knows "something" is supposed to happen there. Well, just after I stood up to get ready for the "clean up" part of this visit, Trae started to tinkle! woo hoo! I jumped and helped him with his "aim" and he did a really good job! He did it again the next day. We had a big celebration afterward complete with gummy worms and cheering! I think we might be on to something! What will I do with only 1 child in diapers?!?!?


Jennifer Never said...

What do you mean only 1 kid in diapers?? Grady is ready! No kids in diapers!! Way to Trae!

Julie said...

I agree with Jen. Get Grady potty trained. Quit being so lazy. Yahoo! I think Trae's tinkle is awesome.

Tamra said...

Love the picture! I disagree, lazy with potty training is much better. I've been potty training one kid for 4 years now (granted there are some medical probs with her bladder), but I will always put it off as long as possible now.

youreprettytoo said...

I so thought this was going to be a different kind of post when I read the title- I read it as "My Life on Pot."

Ouyang Dan said...

that is so cool! Go Trae!

Good luck w/ the training!

Kamille said...

Way to be moving on to bigger and better things. Hope everything moves along successfully for you. Dinner was awesome. You did so much work. Thank you.