Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Re-inventing Dinner, One Tubby at a Time!

Well, the word got out that my parents MIGHT be selling the house. Some neighbors came over last night asking if they could buy it! HOLY CRAP!! Kind of exciting, but not exactly the young family I had dreamed about. Anyway, they got to witness what just might be my best idea yet. After dinner I put my kids in the tub. They didn't eat much dinner, and I was still hungry, so while I sat there watching them play in the tub I ate more pizza. They told me they were still hungry, so I shared. They sat there, NAKED, in the tub eating pizza! And, they ate more than they usually do. Which is so awesome!! It also makes for much easier clean up and less stains on their clothes. I think I'm on to something!!


Anonymous said...

Your a Geniouse, Why didn't I think of that?

Missy said...

MMmmm... soggy pizza...

Melinda said...

That is so awesome! I wish I had thought of that.

Julie said...


Tamra said...

Too bad posting naked pictures of your kids on the internet is dangerous, cause that would be one funny photo. Definately ingenious! i think I might just try that one.