The other night we went for a walk to allow Malachi to...uh...relieve himself. We walked along the path right out our door and found this...
(mom, just click on the pic, it will be larger and you can read the text! :))
(mom, just click on the pic, it will be larger and you can read the text! :))
Tonight we met Walter at Dave & Busters! It was a lot of fun! We really like that place. But, the reason I'm sharing this with you is for this story. As we were leaving our apartment and heading to our car there were a lot of kids running around playing tag. My kids saw them running through the parking lot and I decided this would be a good time to explain why these kids can run through the parking lot but my kids can't. I told them that I would let them know when they are old and big enough to do that. Winni has started catching on to his 'big enough' idea and knows, since we have told her, that she needs to eat her meals if she wants to grow up big and strong. I guess it all cam together for her at that moment, and she is apparently worried about me. She said, "Mom, if eating makes you get bigger, you should stop!" Luckily, I think she's hilarious! I can't get enough of her.
And, in case you were wondering...We love and miss you ALL!!
Kids say the best things don't they? I miss you too, even though I never saw you when you were here. It is still weird to think you are so far away...
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