Monday, July 13, 2009

Slippin Slide

Today we pulled out the slippin slide! It was so fun! See, as Trae is demonstrating, what you gotta do is start way back at the cars. Then, you start running. Then, when you get to the slide you...

STOP! hahaha

We finally remembered to pull out the slippin slide today and just as we were about to get suits on, what would happen? Oh, thunder! so, we played for a little bit, and once it started to rain we cam in. These kids had so dang much fun!

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Mark my year, I'll be on that slippin slide!


Jennifer Never said...

You'll be pregnant again

Rebecca said...

fun. Where do you get Winnie's swimming suits. I love it. We have yet to go swimming. Isn't that sad. Oh well, they have enjoyed the sprinkler some.

amberjill said...

costco! i love it, too but it is a little hot for here in the heat!!