Tuesday, July 14, 2009

We made it!

We are now in Florida. Up at the top! We are visiting with Walter's cousin and her family. We are staying in their camper. I've always wanted to stay in one of these!! woo hoo!! We picked my mom up along the way and are now dragging her along on our adventure. After we picked her up we headed to the gas station to get some treats. I wish I had my camera with a good battery in it. We walked in, in Savannah, GA weather on this July 14th with Trae wearing his snow gloves and Winni wearing a snow hat! Something is wrong with my kids! But, they were happy and it kept them occupied!

Also, I traded in sharing a room with 9 kids for sharing a room with my mother...who just started snoring! Wish me luck!


Melinda said...

Glad you made it! Aw, and you know you loved sleeping in the nursery!

Unknown said...

no picture?! Sad. We need to get you a better camera. Love you and wish I was there with you!

Anonymous said...

FLORIDA!!! Lucky lady! Im glad that I am staying in one place though. Your last month of moving around would make me go bonkers. What can I say you are Wonder Woman for sure!

Elise said...

So thats why grandma never called me back....she was too busy on her way to see you! i wish she could come visit me, i'm sure bored over here.... but i'm glad she's hanging out with you. Have fun in Florida~!!!!

Jennifer Never said...

Good luck with all that. FL heat rocks the house!!!

The Petersons said...

Jen, you are right. Our camper rocks in Flordia, especially when Amber walks around.