HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME!! What a fun day today was! We woke up to the dining room decorated in streamers and balloons! My students, John and Kwang Wu, decorated for me! So nice! Church was nice. Walter took Trae to Sunday School with him so I could enjoy my class! During Sacrament Meeting, Walter got up and bore his Testimony, and in the middle he decided to let everyone know that it's his wife's 27th birthday! That turd!?! Oh well, of course I loved the extra attention! Then we went to Stansbury Park and looked at homes for sale. It was so fun! I am so excited to have my own home someday, granted all we have to move in is 3 beds, winni's dresser, a crib, a table, 2 stools, and kitchen stuff! oh well, it will all come in time! We like to sit on the floor anyway! Then we went to Julie and Trent's for dinner! It was delicious! What a day! And, to top it all off, as we were playing games and talking, I was holding Trae and he looked at me with those loving eyes, and then he RALPHED all over me! What a perfect ending to a wonderful day!!
Sunday, September 30, 2007
Thursday, September 27, 2007
I have been wanting to buy some silly songs for my kids to listen and dance to. I was so excited when I found a great little CD at Costco. Winni asks for it every time we are in the car. Once it's over, and my CD comes on, she lets me know it's time to start her CD over again! She is learning all the words to the songs. She is hilarious! One of the songs on their is "There's a hole in the bucket!" She has figured out the solution to Liza and Henry's problem. She has listened to the song over and over again. For those who don't know, the songs is about Henry's dilemna being that there is a hole in his bucket, he goes to Liza and asks her what to do.
She says, "Then fix it"
He says, "With what?"
She says, "With straw!"
He says, "The straw is too long!"
She says, "Then cut it!"
He says, "With what?"
She says, "With a knife!"
He says, "The knife is too dull!"
She says, "Then sharpen it!"
He says, "With what?"
She says, "With a stone!"
He says, "The stone is too dry!"
She says, "Then wet it!"
He says, "With what?"
She says, "Try water!"
He says, "What should I put the water in?"
She says, "A bucket"
And finally, he says, "But there is a hole in the bucket!"
Well, I say, "Winni, there's a hole in the bucket!"
She says, "Take it out!!" hahahahaha
Why didn't I think of that!!
Posted by
11:47 PM
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Have I told you about "Signing Time" yet? Oh my goodness! We love it! Winni requests to watch it everyday! It is a DVD that teaches kids, and their parents, sign language! It is the coolest ever! We have been watching for about 1 week now, and Winni is surprising us with all this sign language! It's crazy. Tonight we said, "Winni, it's time to read scriptures." Her response was, "OK let's read," and she did the sign for it! She loves signing "grandma" and "grandpa" and "candy" of course! And Trae has started in too! He has added "more" to his "please!" I am seriously so impressed. So, i think everyone should go to and order these cute DVD's to teach kids how to sign. I am loving it!
Posted by
11:55 PM
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
IT'S ALMOST MY BIRTHDAY! Yeah!! Today I got my first birthday card! Thanks Walt and Maddy!! I'm not extremely excited about turning 27, because now I'm considered late 20's, but I love having my birthday! Hey, it beats early 30's!
Posted by
11:59 PM
Monday, September 24, 2007
The oh-so-loving father of my children decided tonight that since Trae is putting his feet in his mouth at the dinner table, he'd help him learn not to. After Trae had been eating his foot for a few minutes, he pulled it out and Walter decided to put crushed red pepper on his foot!! My poor boy! It reminded me of the other night when Winni wanted ice cream, but hadn't finished her dinner, so Walter gave her ice cream with wasabi on it! My little girl is too smart for that! She ate around the wasabi!!
Posted by
11:11 AM
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Winni has been saying her own prayers for a little while lately. Every night she has to bless dinner. Tonight her prayer went a little longer than usual. After blessing the food, she expressed gratitude for the noodles in the soup, for Mommy's bowl, Daddy's bowl, Winni's bowl, Trae's bowl, Kwang Wu's bowl, Hans' bowl, and John's bowl....and then she closed her prayer. She growing up so fast!
Posted by
5:18 PM
Monday, September 17, 2007
My computer died, so we sent it back! Hopefully they can repair it. They have promised it will be back to me by Friday, so at that time I will be better able to update my blog. I have a lot of pictures and videos i'm wanting to put up, I just want my computer back! So, check back soon!!
Posted by
11:49 PM
Sunday, September 16, 2007
This is how I wear my kids out during the day! Whatever works!!
Posted by
5:21 PM
Saturday, September 15, 2007
Today we went to the Dog Park, they had a people park right there too, so Walter took the dogs and I took the people!
Winni was very adamant that I let her push Trae. What a good big sister!
Winni's turn on the swing!
They even have a doggy drinking fountain! So cool!!
Having fun and chasing dogs at the dog park!
Posted by
5:10 PM
Friday, September 14, 2007
Tonight was cooking club, so I was out with the girls. Walter was at school studying, so my brother Mark was here watching my kids, along with his kids. Winni and AJ can always find trouble. At one point, Mark found them in the front yard running down the street NAKED! From past experiences, I wasn't too surprised. What surprised me was what I found when I went downstairs...
Posted by
3:30 PM
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Today we picked up lunch and took it to Wheeler Farm to have a little picnic. The girls and I were talking and taking care of our babies while the 2 and 3 year olds were pestering ducks, playing in the stream, and collecting sticks. They were having a lot of fun. We were getting ready to start packing up to leave when I looked up and saw Winni walking farther and farther away from us. I ran after her and when I caught up to her I asked her where she was going. She let me know she was just going to go hug the pigs! That would have made more since if she had gone towards the pigs, rather than the parking lot.
Posted by
4:24 PM
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Trae loves to dance! Both my kids love to dance! Maybe they get it from me. We dance to anything! Commercials, the phone ringing, TV shows, the songs we make up. It's lots of fun! Here is a glimpse of Trae's moves!
Posted by
3:29 PM
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
We had a crazy thunderstorm last night with lots of wind! I looked out the window to find this...
So, I had to document it so my dad doesn't think we cut off random branches from trees just for fun! :) And, of course, Winni had to pose with the branch!
Posted by
3:29 PM
Monday, September 10, 2007
My kids love peas....for breakfast, dinner, snack, anytime! When they are done, they do this....
And then they smile at their accomplishment! They are so funny! Trae usually will hold the bowl up to his face using only his teeth, no hands, and then he will call to me to look at him!
Posted by
3:27 PM
Sunday, September 9, 2007
Winni has impressed all of her nursery leaders at church. They come up to me every week and tell me they are amazed that Winni knows all the words to all the songs. They ask if we practice? It's so funny because she just sings all day long! Most of the songs she has taught me, so some of the words are wrong and we make them up as we go along. She is just too smart!
Posted by
10:12 AM
Saturday, September 8, 2007
This morning was an early morning for us. It's Governor's Day, so we had to get up early and head to Camp Williams for Walter to be in their parade. Walter, Trae and I were all up getting ready. We were talking about getting Winni up when we heard her yelling, "Mommy, Daddy!" Walter went in to tell her good morning when he was interrupted with, "Daddy, I'm sleeping!!" Then she rolled over and went back to sleep!
Posted by
9:43 AM
Friday, September 7, 2007
Tonight was our neighborhood dutch oven dinner. It was fun just sitting back and letting other peoples children chase my kids! My friend, Amy Goeckeritz, started letting her secret out that she is expecting her 3rd baby also. We are due within days of each other! She is hoping I am having a boy since she is expecting her 3rd boy! I might sound crazy with Winni only being 3 when I have my 3rd, but her little Cody will almost be 2 1/2! I guess 6 months isn't much...we are both crazy!!
Posted by
10:15 AM
Thursday, September 6, 2007
Trae started using sign language today. We have been working on saying "Please" in sign, and I didn't think he cared to learn, but today I had some water and he wanted it and he signed "Please!"
Posted by
10:06 AM
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
Last night the wind blew and blew, there were even sightings of funnel clouds! We don't exactly get many tornadoes! I looked out the window to enjoy the wind and rain from safe inside and found this.....
sorry dad!
Posted by
4:28 PM
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
Posted by
5:34 PM
Sunday, September 2, 2007
This morning Walter and Winni were eating breakfast while I was changing Trae's diaper. I overheard their discussion of who loved who. "I love you!" "No, I love you!" It was very cute! Walter knew I'd be coming into the kitchen soon so he prepped Winni to shout "I LOVE YOU!" to me when I came in. I guess she needed a little more convincing because as I entered the room she shouted, "Mommy, I LOVE DADDY!" I gave her a big hug and let her know I love daddy, too!
Posted by
6:38 PM
Saturday, September 1, 2007
Trae is getting better and better at riding his bike backward! He loves to ride it all day long so I brought it into the house so I wouldn't have to stay outside all day. Today he was riding backward through the hall when I looked up and noticed he was about to go down the stairs! I started screaming and running for him. He tipped the bike with him on it backward, and then he rolled off the bike and down the stairs. The bike was in my way so I jumped over it, knocked it on my way over, and missed the stair afterward. I realized the bike was sliding down the stairs with me and I didn't want it to hit Trae, who by that time was laying at the bottom of the stairs screaming!! I slid in front of the bike and realized that I had better get control or I would run over Trae. This all happened in a matter of seconds, of course. I stopped next to Trae and scooped him up! Walter was right behind me. Walter let me know that I was in the way of his heroic jump over the banister! I got in trouble for my "superman jump!" As soon as Walter took Trae I realized it wasn't as fun as it looked! Trae is fine and wanted to play after a short hug, but I've got a sore ankle and can't walk, a small bruise up the back of my calf, and some rug burns on my hands and arms! I'm starting to understand the recommendation to not ski while pregnant!
I'm reminded of a few weeks ago when our student, Seung Yu, from Korea enjoyed a ride down our stairs! He would always run up and down the stairs! This kid couldn't just walk, always running! Well, he got close to the bottom and decided to jump! The entry way to the basement at the bottom of our stairs is a door frame and the clearance doesn't so much accommodate at 16 year old jumping! Well, he hit his head right on panel before the door frame, fell back on the stairs and began moaning! I didn't get to witness this occasion, but I definitely heard about it! The next day he said he had a headache, I asked why?? He just said there was an incident yesterday with the stairs, he didn't want to talk about it!! hahahahaha
Posted by
6:47 PM