Sunday, September 30, 2007

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME!! What a fun day today was! We woke up to the dining room decorated in streamers and balloons! My students, John and Kwang Wu, decorated for me! So nice! Church was nice. Walter took Trae to Sunday School with him so I could enjoy my class! During Sacrament Meeting, Walter got up and bore his Testimony, and in the middle he decided to let everyone know that it's his wife's 27th birthday! That turd!?! Oh well, of course I loved the extra attention! Then we went to Stansbury Park and looked at homes for sale. It was so fun! I am so excited to have my own home someday, granted all we have to move in is 3 beds, winni's dresser, a crib, a table, 2 stools, and kitchen stuff! oh well, it will all come in time! We like to sit on the floor anyway! Then we went to Julie and Trent's for dinner! It was delicious! What a day! And, to top it all off, as we were playing games and talking, I was holding Trae and he looked at me with those loving eyes, and then he RALPHED all over me! What a perfect ending to a wonderful day!!