Wednesday, October 31, 2007

HAPPY HALLOWEEN!! Aren't we cute?!?! Walter and I were supposed to be Hillbilly Honeymooners, but, judging by his outfit, he skipped the wedding and went to watch Nascar! So, again I was a pregnant, red neck bride who was left at the altar!

Our little Wonder Woman! As I've mentioned in earlier posts, Winni is obsessed with super heroes, but she always says she is Superman, so I'd thought I'd help her be a little more lady-like!

Trae wasn't a huge fan of his costume. Being a dragon was great, until it was time to put the hood on. He wasn't really excited, but he handled it pretty well.

Winni loved Trick-or-Treating! She thought it was her responsibility to make sure they got enough candy, and that they ate some between houses! People would put their candy bowl at Winni's level and say, "What would you like?" Well, isn't that an open invitation! So, she decided what she would like a couple hand fulls!!

After Trick-or-Treating we headed off to a Halloween party. We soon realized we had the oldest and most children of anybody there. All the babies were quietly sitting on their parents laps, while our children were running around. However, if you were up watching the news on Fox 13 from 9-10, you probably caught a glimpse of this....

(ok, we were on the news and we recorded it. i just need to figure out how to cut up the footage and get it on here, so check back!)

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Our Visit to see The Witches at Gardner Village!

Winni was terrified, at first, of the witches! She wouldn't go near them, so I forced her to sit here with me! By the time we were done she started to realize they were pretend!

Winni and her friend Katie Christensen, with the jack-o-lanterns. I guess they appeared safe because most of them were smiling.

We tricked them into being in a picture with a witch with this one. They wanted to climb in the carriage, but they didn't notice the witch using the restroom behind them! How CUTE!!

WOW! What a weekend! For the last few weeks all I've been thinking about is Elise and John's wedding. To check out pictures of the wedding go to The Olsen's blog to the right. I really put myself in a scary position, and everybody came through wonderfully!! I told them to use my videographer, my friend's band, and to let me make the cake! As everything was getting ready to begin, I started getting nervous. My friends came through with flying colors! The video turned out great, well, what we've seen so far, and the band was a huge hit! Everybody was commenting on how great Charley was! It was really a fantastic day. And, I don't mean to sound like I think I'm the greatest, but I'm really proud of my cake!


I started assembling it at the church friday night, and by the time I got to the 3rd and biggest cake, I looked up to find people eating my frosting and I didn't have enough to cover the cake! So, we put it all in the fridge and decided to buy some frosting and put the 3rd cake together on saturday. I got there with my store bought frosting and pulled out my homemade frosting to get to work. What I found was that the fridge had been set to too high of a setting and my frosting was almost frozen. My unfrosted cake had a puddle of ice next to it, freezing it to the box it was on, and oh yeah, the freezer was turned down, so there was water dripping from the freezer to the fridge, right on one of my frosted cakes!! HOLY CRAP! Luckily the flowers were big enough to cover the wet spots! But, in the end it all worked out and the cakes looked great! What a fun day! I think I'd do it all again, even with the mishaps. It was all worth it to see Elise and John so happy, and to dance the night away!!

Thursday, October 25, 2007

So, today I began making a wedding cake for my nieces wedding! I'm a little nervous, but hopefully it will all turn out...Here is what it is supposed to look like

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Happy Birthday GG!!

Star in Your Own JibJab! It's Free!

Monday, October 22, 2007

Ummm....I think it's time these hand-me-down pajamas were retired!

Poor cold little Trae toes! At least this makes it easier for him to suck on his toes!!

Saturday, October 20, 2007

So, 2 nights ago was the Cooking Club Halloween Party! We had lots of fun! To read about the fun and see our crazy pictures, check out the smoddards blog. Walter wasn't home from Denver yet, so I went alone, as a pregnant red-neck bride who was left at the alter. His flight got in at 9:15 PM so I went straight to the airport to get him, all decked out in all my glory. Some of my friends from cooking club had this great I went with it. Poor Walter was greeted at the airport by this

If you can't tell, my sign says, "It's Yours (Pretty Sure)"

I got a lot of laughs, hand shakes, and weird looks! Best of all, Walter was embarassed! The first thing he said to me was, "I'm going back to Denver!" So mean, but i know he loved the attention!

Friday, October 19, 2007

John, one of our students from Taiwan, brought this blowup dinosaur home for the kids! At first they were scared of it, but I taught them how to beat it up, so, that's what we do!! :)

As you listen in the beginning, she is counting to 10 for the dinosaur, then she gives him a hug...which means the dinosaur was in time out and has learned its lesson now, so it may come out of time out! hahaha

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Wow! You'd think this was the first day of school or something! Nope, just a typical morning at breakfast! Winni can't go anywhere without her backpack full of fake food and pots and pans! I think she thinks she is Dora. As I sit here writing this post, Winni sits next to me and says, "There's Winni with her backpack!"

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Here is Trae with our Great Pumpkin Harvest! This year we grew pumpkins and corn, oh yeah, and the random tomatoes, tomatillos, peppers and the watermelon I found that we either didn't plant or had previously killed the plant in the spring! haahhaha It was sure fun to find these treasures! We ended up with about 15 pumpkins! We are excited to carve some of these for Halloween!

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

When I woke up on my birthday, the dining room was completely decorated with balloons, banners, and streamers! We had to get a picture. Aren't we cute??

Monday, October 15, 2007

So, after reading my last post, my father in law let me know about my husbands awkwardness as a child. His comment was this....

"It is a family trait. Ask Walter Megene Gunter. My Dad asked Gene what his name was when he was Winni's age and he answered "Walter Megene Gunter" So to this day his grandfather calls him "Megene."

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Tonight I was reading scriptures with Winni. I read part of a line, and she repeats it. She does really well. I said "and he saith unto me" and she said "and he saith unto you!" She does that all the time! If we say "me" she says "you". It's so funny!

Saturday, October 13, 2007

I got sucked into this survey by my sister! I've been telling my family to get their own blogs, and now that Julie's friends have started blogging, she is a blogging freak! However, she complains that I don't talk about myself enough on my blog, so here goes....

1. Who is your man? Walter Eugene Gunter, II
2. How long have you been together? Married 3 1/2 years, but I knew all about the weird kid who threw parties 8 years ago.
3. How long did you date? We dated for 3 months, then we were "just best friends" for 11 months, then dated and engaged for 4 months.
4. How old is your man? 32
5. Who eats more? Hmmmm.....I'm not sure about this one. When I eat like a lady and know my limits, (and have been snacking all day) he eats more. But, when it's just our family, I'm pretty sure I out eat him.
6. Who said I love you first? I think I said it outloud, but he was in denial for a year.
7. Who is taller? I've got 1 inch on Walter, but when I'm barefoot and he wears big soled shoes, we are about even. He is 5'8 1/2" and I'm 5'9 1/2", but we both lie and say 5'9".
8. Who sings better? Walter sings louder, but he usually doesn't know the tune or the words, so by default, I do.
9. Who is smarter? I am so much smarter...when it comes to diapers and dishes, but he's definitely got me beat on book smarts.
10. Who's temper is worse? Well, I'd hate to be the one Walter is mad at!! I probably lose my cool more often, but Walter knows how to give a beat down and get what he wants!
11. Who does the laundry? I do - He can't even get his clothes into the right hamper.
12. Who does the dishes? I do. But when we first got married we got an apartment without a dishwasher, and that was OK because he loved to do dishes! Too bad he forgot about that love once we said "I DO!" However, on those mornings when he lets me sleep in, if there are dishes in the sink he will do them for me.
13. Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? Walter
14. Who pays the bills? I do.
15. Who has bigger feet? Walter does.
16. Who has longer hair? I do.
17. Who is better at the computer? I'd have to give this one to Walter! I'm better at figuring out ways to do without a computer!
18. Who mows the lawn? Whoever waters it, so....ME! Unless, of course, we pay some poor unsuspecting neighbor, or my brother! But, now the lawn is dead, so no need!
19. Who cooks dinner? I do.
20. Who drives when you are together? Walter, unless I absolutely have to!
21. Who pays when you go out? Walter, of course!
22. Who is most stubborn? Walter
23. Who is the first to admit when they are wrong? Walter, cause I'm never wrong!
24. Whose parents do you see the most? Well, we saw Walter's parents last October, and we saw my mom in April, but Walter's parents are coming in November, and mine aren't coming back til March, so I think it's a tie.
25. Who kissed who first? He kissed me, but I was definitely putting out the vibe.
26. Who asked out who? He asked me out, but only because I told him to.
27. Who proposed? He did, but then he told me he needed an engagement ring too, so I proposed also.
28. Who is more sensitive? He is more sensitive every day, but once in a while my sensitivity explodes and its a much bigger mess to clean up.
29. Who has more friends? I have more friends on a regular basis, but he has friends I've never heard of that come out of no where! He has friends all over the place who come and go but will always be a part of our lives.
30. Who has more siblings? I do with 6.
31. Who wears the pants in the family? I do, unless he says no!

Friday, October 12, 2007

So, today Winni and I ventured out to the grocery store without Walter and Trae. Walter gave me the choice of which companion to take with me and I chose Winni, but I soon realized I had chosen the more difficult child! As I was looking at cold medicine, Winni was grabbing chips, cookies, apple juice....anything she could find to put into the cart. As we were putting those things away, she was running down the aisle yelling, "super hero!" Then she would trip and I'd yell, "super hero down!" She'd jump back up and go again! Luckily it was 9 AM, so the store was pretty empty. When we got to the check-out stand, the cashier started talking to Winni and asking her questions. She asked her how old she was, Winni told her, "I just turned 3!" hahaha, ummmm...sorry dear, not yet. You are 2! Then she asked her if she was going to be a princess for Halloween. I told the nice lady no, and I asked Winni what she was going to be for Halloween? Right on cue with one fist on her hip and the other fist in the air she shouted, "A super hero!"

Thursday, October 11, 2007

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY HUNNY!! Today is Walter's 32nd birthday! Dang he is old! We spent the morning together as a family enjoying breakfast and then we drove to Ogden to see a model home! Aren't our birthday's so adventurous! We must be getting old! We are having so much fun trying to find a house, however, the more we look at, the farther we are from a decision. Oh well, we'll know when its time.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Sorry, Gunter's, but here is the proof that Winni gets her good looks from her mom!! :) I knew I was more than an incubator!

Sunday, October 7, 2007

When I put Winni and Trae to bed I almost always hear Winni practicing something of some sort. Sometimes it's her songs, one night she was teaching her doll sign language, she counts, feeds her baby doll, things like that. Tonight I heard her over there practicing..."Trick-or-Treat!"

Friday, October 5, 2007

Winni has been so sweet and concerned about things lately. We were driving and she saw a piece of paper flying down the street, she said, "Mommy, that paper is blowing down the street. We better get it and put it in our car!" Then today on our way home from AJ's we saw a guy walking down the street in a T-shirt. It was really cold and rainy outside. She asked who it was and I told her it was a boy. She told me that "we better get him a jacket, cause he is cold!" I asked her where to get him a jacket and she said we better go get his jacket. She even asked me where his mommy is? She is so cute! If she had an jacket on, I'm sure she would have tried to give it to him! what a sweet girl!