Wednesday, October 31, 2007

HAPPY HALLOWEEN!! Aren't we cute?!?! Walter and I were supposed to be Hillbilly Honeymooners, but, judging by his outfit, he skipped the wedding and went to watch Nascar! So, again I was a pregnant, red neck bride who was left at the altar!

Our little Wonder Woman! As I've mentioned in earlier posts, Winni is obsessed with super heroes, but she always says she is Superman, so I'd thought I'd help her be a little more lady-like!

Trae wasn't a huge fan of his costume. Being a dragon was great, until it was time to put the hood on. He wasn't really excited, but he handled it pretty well.

Winni loved Trick-or-Treating! She thought it was her responsibility to make sure they got enough candy, and that they ate some between houses! People would put their candy bowl at Winni's level and say, "What would you like?" Well, isn't that an open invitation! So, she decided what she would like a couple hand fulls!!

After Trick-or-Treating we headed off to a Halloween party. We soon realized we had the oldest and most children of anybody there. All the babies were quietly sitting on their parents laps, while our children were running around. However, if you were up watching the news on Fox 13 from 9-10, you probably caught a glimpse of this....

(ok, we were on the news and we recorded it. i just need to figure out how to cut up the footage and get it on here, so check back!)


Jennifer Never said...

Winnie was so dang cute. You and Walter looked great! Yes, Trae was cute too! Did I miss anyone? Ha. I especially liked Walter's tooth. It's good you could get some good use out of that hole in his face. Walter's da Bomb!!