Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Then in September...

Walter spent most of September on orders, in a hotel, by the airport. So, we would go on a mini vacation every weekend to go visit him. One of those weekends we decided to go to a free museum all about Communications (like satellite, telephone, and so forth).

It was pretty cool. But, this was my favorite thing there. Shout out to UTAH!!

This month, this little beautiful blue eyed babinski continued growing up....DANGIT! But, we still like her.

Winni has continued her fashion trend setting. Sometimes I even let her wear it to school!

I fell more in love with this...

Especially since he looks a lot like this...

Remember that hotel we went to? Here is another weekends adventure...

No, we aren't pretending to be The Beatles, we are using their parking lot for it's intended purpose...

Diet Coke and Mentos explosions. It's the right thing to do!

And this thing...

I've got a problem with this thing. It keeps taking my kids away!

Oh, and I got a little older. It was painful, but I looked good doing it! :)

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

1st days of School!

I cannot tell you how many times I have pulled up my blog and almost got to the 'new post' page. So many fun things have happened around our house, but I just couldn't get myself to take the time to blog. So, I'm going to try to recap for you. Hold on to your hats, we're about to knock out the season we call FALL!

Winni's 1st Day of School

Yep, they're ready!!

Trae's packin heat, since he is officially bigger than Winni, he's got to protect her at school! :)

Mom of the year! aka Mom with the most clothes on for the 1st day of school!

Big school...little girl

Meeting her teacher, Ms Durham

Saying bye to Dad and a very happy Maeli

Trae's 1st day of school

A couple days before the first day, we met his teachers. Ms Crook and Mrs. Hackett. Doesn't he look so excited!?!

Actual 1st day of school

He really was excited!

Big little boy!