Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Betterton Beach

I'm just going to pretend it hasn't been 1 1/2 months since I blogged last! I'm a slacker. There!! Moving right along! :)

A couple days before Walter got home we had some friends come to visit. Renee brought her mom, brother, and 3 boys with her. We went to DC one day and then to the beach! Not THE beach, but OUR beach. Our beach is a beach on the bay, as opposed to the ocean. So, technically, it doesn't count. But we just don't tell the kids that, and I remain the coolest mom EVER!!

Anyway, we apparently picked a windy, overcast day to go to the beach. They hadn't done the beach clean up for the year yet, so there were a lot of logs from the winter storms.

We also got a chance to practice our on land surfing skills!

The bandanas are a new fashion for Gunter Summer 2010, since Gunter Winter 09-10 brought many opportunities to visit the ER with head injuries! So, to keep the scars out of the sun Winni and Grady have to be covered. Might as well cover everyone, and start talking like pirates!



Elise said...

yay! YOu posted! I've been to that beach :) Its about time you guys caught onto the bandana fashion...geez....what took so long? Looks like fun, i want to see Maeli! I bet she's moving WAY more than Jack...laying still isn't hard to beat :) Are you coming to the wedding? Love you!

Julie said...

I was thinking today how much I miss you and its because you havn't posted. I love the bandana's. I should get Jax one cuz of her new scar down her face....We could put a bandana on and cut holes for her eyes. Love you!

Melinda said...

Good job! :)

Missy said...

I love how Winni is all SASSY and CUTE. Holy smokes these chitlins are getting BIG!
I'm jealous of your beach.

youreprettytoo said...

I feel the same way as Julie.. I was missing you too so I;m glad you blogged. Love the bandanas! Where do pirates like to eat? ARRRRby's! Feel free to use that joke next time you are at the beach. And I don't know whose wedding Elise is refering to but I think you should definitely come for it! Also I'm sure you heard Gwen did her state report on Maryland and when I saw it I knew immediately why she chose it. I told this to Harold and he said, "Well you're smarter than me. I had to have it explained to me." :)

Lori said...

Love the bandanas, but where are the BYU pants. You need to blog those pictures. We miss you so much. When are you coming to Utah again?

The Petersons said...

What a great post. I was missing you too and still do. Keep posting. Maybe that is why I keep calling you. Maile is growing up too fast and I haven't seen her for so long.

April said...

Your kids are starting a fashion trend all because of a scar, see the silver lining? Love it!