Friday, September 11, 2009

Are you on Facebook yet??

Cause if you aren't, or you are but haven't taken the leap in becoming my friend, you are missing out!! I am that cool! And, since I don't have a camera anymore, I have to do pics and video from my phone. The easiest way to get my pics and videos from my phone to the web is by way of facebook! And then, I haven't a clue as to the route to get them here. So, let's just face it. You are missing out on my home tour videos. Also, I have posted a link to Baby Center, (you can get to it without being my friend, but I highly encourage befriending me!) to invite y'all to help me/us pick out a name for this baby! And, to be honest, Walter isn't loving any of these names, but he doesn't really have a say, right?


Melinda said...

If Walter can impulsively buy a motorized monkey head, then he can impulsively buy you a new camera! At least by the end of October so you can take quality pictures of Shakira.

Rebecca said...

Where's your camera? I'm not on facebook. I'm too old to learn one more thing. I like blogging. I like when you blog. Get a camera and blog. Mom said you had a nice Nikon camera, what happened to that one? Maybe you should just call me.

Christina said...

What?! No camera?! Wow, I missed that one! Are you going to make Walter get you a new one?! He better, we need constant pics of the fam! :)