Saturday, May 5, 2007

We made some great friends in Monterey, California when we lived there for 1 1/2 years. A lot of our friends are now in Omaha, NE. Our friends, Phil and Micaela Tice came to town for a wedding this week. They brought their cute kids, Ashelyn and Stephen. We hadn't seen them in a year, so they had never met Trae and Winni had grown up quite a bit. I was at the store when they got to the house, so my sister, Julie, let them in. As they were noticing the pictures of our family on the wall, Winni came out to greet them...butt naked!! Apparently she had been working on potty training, by herself! My sister, being a little embarrassed because she wasn't too sure how well we knew these people, acknowledged Winni and her nakedness. At that moment Winni turned around and, with a toilet paper stream hanging from her little bumb crack, shook her bumb and said, "Look at my bumb!" I couldn't be prouder, I just wish I'd been there with a camera! :)