Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Today I picked up my niece, McKall, and 2 of her friends. They will be watching my kids while I work for the next 2 days. We made a trip to Wal-Mart tonight to pick up some treats and lunch food. I was also baby-sitting my nephew, Eli. As we were walking through the store I was getting a lot of looks, but I thought nothing of it. Then someone stopped me and asked, "How many kids do you have??" I let her know I have 2, and went on my way. Then as we were leaving the store another person asked me the same question. I guess I looked crazy to a lot of people. I looked like I had 12 year old triplets, then 2 year old twins, and a baby. I think they would have passed out if they knew I was pregnant too!! hahaha I just hope I helped some people realize their life could be more difficult! :)