Sunday, December 16, 2007


What better way to get back on the blogging bandwagon than to post a picture of myself, looking my best. Well, except for all the fake body paint and globs of make-up....not to mention the modesty of my attire, but isn't that the nature of the past. We learn from it. So next time, maybe a little less makeup!!! hahaha

I know, it's far from the 13 year old challenge, but dang! I once looked really good!! And that's how I got my hot husband. If he only knew what was in store through the baby years.......


Julie said...

You look Hot. I think now you need to get in a swimsuit and post what you look like today!! Hot Stuff.

youreprettytoo said...

Wow-wee! That is some eye candy if I have ever seen it. You have really upped the ante. I'm afraid I have to fold. I can't compete with that! Now that's the way to come back to the blogging world!. Welcome back!

Jennifer Never said...


Jennifer Never said...

Nice shoes too, by-the-way.

Jennifer Never said...

Since you've been having some negative issues with this picture:

Ps. 9: 8
8 And he shall judge the world in righteousness, he shall minister judgment to the people in uprightness.

D&C 11: 12
12 And now, verily, verily, I say unto thee, put your trust in that Spirit which leadeth to do good—yea, to do justly, to walk humbly, to judge righteously; and this is my Spirit.

This is just my opinion, but I think anyone who wants to judge you for anything related to that picture of you that you posted is probably not judging righteously. Let's leave the judging to the One, True, Righteous, Judge. But that's just my take on things. I Love ya Amber!!! Yes, I posted this twice so it wouldn't be missed!

Olsens said...

Wow, when i saw this picture of you i thought it was a magazine dub. Who new. Wow! But know that i think the picture above it is even more beautiful. PS Becky has us using your sight as an ispiration for us to go on for making our blog sight. I am impressed and inspired. Thanks !! Bridget Olsen. Ya know Milts sister- in law.