Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Toilet Fascination Chapter 24

So, tonight my kids were quiet. Something not too common at my house. I heard what sounded like water splashing, and I thought they were playing in the sink. I then heard Winni say they were making cinnamon rolls. I looked into the bathroom to find them both dipping toilet paper into the toilet and pulling it out, then rolling it up and calling it cinnamon rolls! Move over Pioneer Woman Cooks...we've got the new secret ingredient! EWWW!!! YUCK!! My first reaction was to go ballistic, but then I realized I had a "frog" in my throat. So, I looked at my kids, I said "just sec", cleared my throat and then I went crazy! "What were you thinking??? We don't play in the toilet! We don't make cinnamon rolls in the toilet!" I thought I was going to die! I put them both in the bathtub, cleaned up the toilet and the floor, and I went and got Walter to finish the job. For those cooking clubbers, I thought of Tamra's suggestion as to how to get a babysitter, fast!! It worked on my husband! hahaha Don't worry, we all survived and I'm learning to laugh when these things happen. And I better!! They seem to keep happening!


Missy said...

Okay, I really shouldn't laugh because we haven't gotten to the "playing in the potty" stage, but its still funny. I would have come unglued too! Congrats on the de-junking!