Thursday, August 7, 2008

He's HOME!!

So, my baby came home yesterday!! It's so good to have him home. It has been quite the week. I had major plans of having our new place all ready for us, even though he told me not to. I'm kinda getting used to not listening to him. Apparently, too good at it! I was holding Grady while shampooing the carpets over there and as I bent over to change the plug I fell something go wrong with my back. Turns out I have a slipped disc and a sprained muscle in my back. PERFECT!! So, I've been in bed for the last 2 days. Now that Walter is home he can move us into our new place by day, and be my caretaker by night! He has to get up with the kids, bring Grady to me to feed him, take him back, get me my drugs, get me ice, get me get the point. Poor little man, I hope he is still happy to be home!! We sure missed him!

Oh, and the flowers stopped coming, after 3 days. Yesterday I got a gift box with an assortment of nuts and some bottled Root Beer. He says there is more on the way...OK YOU LOVE ME! I GET IT!! :) I just hope he knows how much we love him. 


Julie said...

Welcome home Walt Baby Luv!

Ouyang Dan said...

Welcome home Walter! Yay!

Amber! I hope you feel better soon! I am sending happy thought mind bullets your way!

Missy said...

WALTER!!! Welcome home! Amber, I'm excited you have your hubby back... but not about your BACK! That totally sucks. Good thing Walter's a good guy and takes good care of you. I hope you feel better.

amberjill said...

You forgot to mention that your mother got fired from doing all those duties Walter just got. You are welcome.