Apparenlty, Winni is ready for "the talk"! I always thought 4 was a little early, but she is very inquisitive, and her aunt Julie's answers to her questions aren't helping. It went like this...
The other day we all congregated at my parent's house because McKall was here waiting to catch a flight back home to Dallas. So, we are at my mom's baking cookies. Winni, for some odd reason didn't notice til now, noticed that Julie is just a little bit pregnant! She walks up to her and starts pushing on her tummy. She asks her what happened? Julie told her there was a baby in there. (Please keep in mind I've been pregnant for most of her life, but anyway!!) She didn't believe her. She wanted to see the baby in there. So, Winni crouches down to look "up" to see the baby in there. I had to let her know that she wasn't going to see the baby. Julie, because she is so nice, lifted her shirt to show Winni her tummy. She didn't believe her much, but went on her way. I ran home to get some more shortening, and while I was gone the conversation continued. Winni walked up to Julie and said, "you didn't eat a baby!" Julie agreed, she hadn't eaten a baby. Then Winni threw out her next guess. "Is it like a flower? You ate a baby seed?" WOW! I'm so glad she got the concept that all you have to do is plant a seed and it will grow into something, I just didn't see this coming. I'm not quite ready for the real talk, so I think we'll just leave it at baby seeds. And, maybe on her wedding day I'll give her a package of baby seeds. We'll see how it goes!
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Posted by
12:34 AM
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Wait just one minute! How did this get here??
Seems pretty accurate. I think I'll keep it!! You know, since my clothes are starting to get tight and all. At least I can say I planned it this time. All because of that one week my kids were good back in January, I decided I could handle more. So, in case you've seen me and were's not a tumor...and it's not's a baby! yeah!!
Posted by
11:52 PM
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
We decided to take our kids with us on our house hunting trip to MD. All 5 of us in 1 hotel room. It had potential to be perfect! One problem...the hotel crib was just a little too big for the bathroom! We couldn't get the door shut so that Grady could sleep. We maneuvered it a little and finally got the door shut, but then we couldn't get to the potty for midnight visits. So, we decided to do this...
And, apparently he didn't like it much. It was a little on the tilted side since it was high centered. Don't worry, I'm paying the price for it now. Since we've been home he hasn't put himself to sleep yet. He has cried from anywhere between 1 1/2 - 2 1/2 hours and still won't give up and lay down. Walter went in the other night after 1 1/2 hours and he was still crying, standing up, and....ASLEEP!! Last night we decided we had to win. So, after he cried from 9-midnight he finally laid himself down and went to sleep. It was killing me! Pure torture. Hopefully tonight we can get it down to 2 hours...wish me luck!!
Posted by
10:50 AM
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
I have been such a bad blogger lately...I know! There has been so much I've wanted to share, document, remember, but I just haven't found the time to sit and blog. I'd much rather read what others are doing. But, here are some of the things I've wanted to tell you
First there was Valentines Day
The first go round of Winni's Valentines. Melted crayons into heart shapes on a string! hahahaha I'm so funny!
Grady's 1st Oreo
Trae's 1st attempt at doing my hair...
apparently I was a little side-tracked by the computer! Walter had to come home and save my hair. We have only repeated this incident once now!
Fun w/ cool glasses straw from Gramps and Nana
And, while we were busy having fun with these glasses, Grady was having an allergic reaction to Pasta Carbonara.
I guess raw eggs and babies don't exactly mesh well!
Thinking I'm pretty hot with my new hat!
OK, so I bought the hat for Winni and decided to try it on since she won't wear it! Hmmmm....I'm liking it!
Then there was Disney on Ice with these cute little punks!
We rode TRAX to downtown. I think that might have been their favorite part.
And, of course, we had to get souvenirs!
Well, now that we are sort of caught up...I can start sharing out things to come! Like what came about on our trip to MD! Think building a home in the country! :) So excited!!
Posted by
6:39 PM
Thursday, March 12, 2009
I'm so lucky!!
For those of you who know me, but have never really met or hung out with my husband...and for those of you who have hung out with him and feel you know him well...let me introduce you to the "real" Walter!!
While I was in Jr High dreaming of being on the drill team when I got to high school... (sad, I know! It was a phase...I got over it!) Walter was living my dream, sorta. Not exactly the "drill team" I was going for, but he sure is cute!!
OK, honestly, he is in there somewhere. I guess he has blocked it out of his mind because he is not sure which one he is, but he knows he is in there. Now you see why I love him so much!!
Posted by
4:06 PM
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
so dang cute!!
I finally kicked it into good mom mode and got my birthday kids their pictures taken! I'm not a huge fan of Kiddie Kandids or any of the other photo studios. I'd much rather have someone who knows what they are doing take the pictures. Like Katherine! But I wasn't ready for the whole family, and I didn't want a formal family picture. So, I decided to go ahead and get some pictures for posterity/wedding video sake and we'll call Katherine when we are ready.
I'm so happy I finally went in! These really are cute kids! I could just squish those cheeks! Enjoy!
Walter told Winni to do her "angry" face. So she did! But, she couldn't keep a straight face while doing it. I think they turned out so cute. Love these kids!
Posted by
1:01 AM
Monday, March 2, 2009
turtles turtles turtles
The other reason for why this might have happened is that my turtles are gay! Sorry if that offends, but seriously, they killed off the only girl and they are still trying to mate with each other. Well, if that doesn't sell you on wanting my turtles I don't know what will! :)
No, the kids don't know we are selling/giving away the turtles. I know it's going to break Trae's heart, but they haven't even noticed that one is missing. Also, I lied about the prices we paid for the tank and filter. All I remember is one day Walter came home with this penthouse for the turtles and I was mad. He had spent $600! It was supposed to last them for 40 years! So, the tank itself was only $200, but the filter was $250! Then all the other accessories...Anyway, if someone wants 1, not all, so as to avoid the cannibalism, let me know! I think we figured out who the culprit was behind the massacre last night, so now I'm looking for turtle soup recipes! Anyone want to come over for dinner! hahahaha JK! That is disgusting!
Posted by
12:01 AM
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Apparently Bigamy Won't Work in My Family!
In case you didn't know, we have turtles. Red ear sliders. We have had them since they were itty bitty! They were about the size of a pretzel, I would say. They are now about the size of my hand and very cool! We started out with 10, and I slowly gave them away when Walter wasn't looking, until we were down to 4. I just found out back in January that we have 1 female and 3 males. I thought, nice job little lady! What girl wouldn't appreciate these odds! I was also excited that it wasn't 1 male and 3 females. I really don't think I could handle millions of baby turtles. So, I've been happy with my little turtles. Walter calls them part of the family. We saw 2 scenarios before us. We keep our little family of turtles and they live to be about 40 and we cry and have a memorial service when they die of old age. Or, they increase their posterity and we become turtle breeders because of all the studs we have! We didn't see scenario 3 coming at all!!
I realize males can be pesky! Our sweet little lady was getting a little tired of all the attention she was getting. We have a "log" in there that they used to play on/in/around, but now they have gotten too big. The female, lets call her Venus, and her suitors Michealangelo, Raphael, and Donatello, just for fun, still tries to hide in there. She usually only gets her head and a little of her shell in. She hangs out there a lot. Now, I'm not sure what happened last night, but apparently her men got tired of her hiding from them, or maybe "sleeping around" that they ganged up on her and decided to do something about it. Or, maybe she got stuck in that log and drowned and they decided to "finish her off", but either way, those dang MEN ate our sweet little Venus! She was even bigger than them! Luckily, for me, Walter was the first to find the massacre this morning as he was leaving for work and took care of it before my children and I woke up.
So, basically, we aren't turtle fans anymore. If you eat your girlfriend/mating partner/wife you are immediately kicked out of the family. We just can't allow that! So, these members of our family are up for adoption if anyone would like them. They love to eat lettuce, fish, turtle food and apparently turtle friends. If you'd like them, you can have them. However, the tank is a little more pricey. If you want the tank and filter and lights I'm gonna have to charge you for it. I'm asking $400 for everything, and the turtles are free! If you just want the turtles, that's fine. I'll use the tank for something less masochistic, like fish!
PS, if you see my ad on KSL, it'll be something more along the lines of, "Friendly, happy, fun loving turtles need a new home. We are moving and just can't get them to our new home in Maryland. They are part of our family and we will miss them terribly! 75 gallon tank ($500), Rena XP4 Filter ($50), heat lamp and sun lamp along with other accessories. Asking $400 for everything."
Posted by
9:35 AM