Monday, April 28, 2008

I did it!! I can't believe I did it!! I don't even dare cut Walter's hair, or Trae's for that matter. I finally buzzed Grady's cute little head! He is so cute! I was a little concerned when the clippers lost their charge and my baby looked like this

But, I luckily found the charger and now, for the first time, I have a bald baby!!

Only, his head isn't as smooth as naturally bald babies. But he is still dang cute and soo soo soo happy!! However, if I wake up tomorrow missing 1 eyebrow, you'll know my husband didn't approve!


youreprettytoo said...

After seeing those other pictures of Grady with his balding spots, I think you made the right decision to shave his head. He looks very cute bald! Oh- and I've meant to tell you - I really like the picture of you when you leave a comment- its very sultry!

youreprettytoo said...

Are you thinking to yourself- "I bet look up 'sultry' on the online dictionary."? I know I did! Yes, I am a nerd.

Lori said...

Did you know that in some cultures they shave all the babies' heads because they think it helps the hair grow in thicker!!!! He is still a sweet baby even if he is bald!

Kelly T, that's me! said...

He looks so CUTE!

Missy said...

I love the baldness. Its a crazy contrast to Trae's long locks, but Grady's may come soon enough. He's such a cutie!

The Petersons said...

Can't believe you did it without me. He looks cute.