Thursday, January 22, 2009

Sea Turtle Salvation!?!?

While at Mark and Jen's in Nebraska, my kids got into a great routine. Every night before bed we read scriptures, do a family circle and say what our favorite thing of the day was. (Thank you to AJ for teaching Winni and Trae to say, "My favorite thing is what Grady is doing right now! It has been the same thing for the last 3 nights. "My favorite thing is that Grady climbed on my couch!" "No, it's my couch!" "No, mine!" And then we decide it's "our" couch, over and over again!) Then we say prayers and have a family hug. Luckily they forgot about "Kid of the night" where one kid gets to stay up later with Mom and Dad. Probably because when my kids were kid of the night, I sent them to bed anyway. I'm a good mom like that.

Anyway....We have added on to that. After family hug they get in their beds and we sing some songs. One song we learned and practiced in Nebraska because it is the monthly song in Primary was 'I lived in Heaven'. My kids LOVE this song. For those who don't know this song, it goes like this...

I lived in Heaven a long time ago it is true
Lived there and loved there with people I know, so did you
Then Heavenly Father presented a beautiful plan
All about earth and eternal salvation for man

Trae has decided this song is titled 'People I Know' so he asks for it by that name. It's very cute. So, I'll start singing it and I'll stop right at that phrase so he can sing it. He does, and giggles every time. As I would start the 3rd line he would start trying to sing "sea turtle". I couldn't figure out why? He thought I was saying "All about earth and sea turtle salvation for man" If that means when he dies and goes to heaven he gets to be a sea turtle, he was all for that! So, I started singing it slowly. Now Trae does his part, and before I can sing the last line, Winni hurries up and tells me "all about earth and eternal salvation for man!"

I just thought that was cute!


Flash said...

Lol thats way cute! haha Welcome home! I'm glad you made it! How are your turtles doing?

Flash said...

PS flash is your favorite neice! :)

Rebecca said...

Very cute.

Missy said...

We do something similar at night but we call it "thankful for's" We talk about what we are thankful for that day. Sam is usually thankful for his daddy. :) Sea turtle salvation is important! LOL.

Erin said...

How fun is that! What a cute little tradition you've got going on there! I like the sea turtle part...very cool!

jerbonashfoy said...

That is very cute! Thank you for sharing!

Elise said...

You've got some very cute kids amber...i don't know how you got so lucky! Haha, just kidding. Glad your home, love you guys!

youreprettytoo said...

Quit making me feel guilty by doing stuff like having family prayer, complimenting your kids and singing Primary song. What are you trying to do- get sea-turtle salvation for your family or something?!? (Really those are adorable stories!)

Tamra said...

I think you should start a petition to have the church change the words to the song, that is so cute.