Friday, November 30, 2007

If the VECA (Vegetable Eating Council of America), ok, I know it's got a different name, but I don't know that name!! Anyway, if they could only get Winni to do commercials for them, all kids would want to eat more veggies. Either that or the parents will wonder what I drug my kid with to get her so excited for veggies. People are always so shocked that my daughters favorite "treat" is peas, and my sons as well. I don't know why but they love peas so much. They love them for breakfast, lunch, snack, anytime. Winni would take peas over ice cream or chocolate milk anytime! Right now Winni has chosen to eat oranges and green peppers, instead of shells and cheese. The reason I bring this up is because yesterday as we were grocery shopping, she was driving me crazy!! She was grabbing stuff off the shelves and putting it into our cart. I felt like the worst parent when I said, "Winni, put that bag of stuff back!" We were in the beans and legumes area. She said, "But Mommy, I like them. It's peas!" It was a bag of pea lentils. Then when we got to the produce she started filling a bag with green peppers. She asked if we were going to get bananas. She went over to the broccoli and tried to break some off so she could eat it! I told her not to. She asked if we have broccoli at home and I told her we did. At that point she started running around the cart, cheering, "Yeah! We have broccoli at home!" She made sure we got potatoes. She let me know that we need more carrots because she ate them all. How did I get cursed with such a wonderful daughter! BTW, for those of you who are concerned about this entry, knowing that Winni is a petite girl, dont be! She eats other things too. I am just trying to encourage these healthy food choices while I can. She is healthy and very smart!


Rebecca said...

You and Julie have all the luck with veggie eaters. It looks like Debbie may be taking after Simeon in a preferance for meat and bread, some fruit and no veggies.

Julie said...

That is so cool. Keep it going. She is so dang cute.