Sunday, December 21, 2008

A little Sunday manipulation?!?

Today I went to my first non-LDS church service. Walter's aunt is Pentacostal, so we joined them at church today. They gave me a warning before church that things might get a little crazy, so I was prepared. It went great. It was a lot of fun. The message was very similar to what we hear in church, Jesus is with us, he loves us and wants us to succeed, however, the presentation was different. To start off, there is a live band! Seriously, a full drum set and everything! They have a song leader/pastor and a praise team, I think that's what they called them, basically back up singers. Walter's cousin Janelle is on the team. Her boyfriend, Richard, plays the bass guitar next to the guy who plays the electric guitar. Let's just say Christmas carols had a little more spunk this year! :) While it felt more for myself like a fireside, it was very enjoyable.

After church we headed home for lunch and then off to go boating/fishing. By the time we got to the dock and onto the boat we had about 1 1/2 hours to play before we had to be back home. We had a lot of fun! First, we stopped at a little island...

Then Uncle Mark caught some Mullet fish in his fishing net. He caught them so the kids could touch them and feel their sliminess, but Winni and Trae didn't want much to do with them.

Then we went fishing with poles. Winni caught the first fish, a spiky little sucker. I can't remember the name of the fish, but she was pretty excited. Uncle Mark helped her catch it.

While Winni was catching her fish, Trae was trying to catch one with Daddy. When he saw Winni having success, he changed fishing partners. Once he went down and fished with Uncle Mark he reeled in a little Jack fish.

They were so excited! So, that was our Sunday, however we didn't get through the day without a little manipulation. The conversation went like this...

Winni: Mommy, can I play with your phone?

Me: No, sweetie. Grady is playing with it right now.

Winni: Mommy, can I play with your phone?

Me: No, Winni

over and over again. Then a few minutes later I hear

Winni: with Liberty and Justice for all.

Me: wow Winni! Did you just say the Pledge of Allegiance?

Winni: Yep

Me: Do you know the whole thing?

Winni: Yes, Mom. Does that make you happy?

Me: Of course, that's great!

Winni: Then, can I have your phone??


The Peterson 5 said...

Looks like fun! Now that sounds like my kind of church!! At least you probably wouldn't fall asleep during their services.

youreprettytoo said...

That sounds like my kind of sabbath- a rock band, a praise team and fishing! Also I meant to tell you, I have been searching your blog everytime I come to it to see if the kissy lips reappear!

Erin said...

That Winni is so darn funny! looks like you guys had lots of fun!