Monday, July 28, 2008


This morning started bright and early!! I think it was like 7 or something! Seriously!! Today we went on a "cruise" of sorts. We all boarded Jonalisa, the catamaran that would be our home for the day. We were cruising to Klein Curacao, or Little Curacao. It was a beautiful 1 1/2 hour ride out there. Walter was on baby duty, because I had to stay out of the cabin so I wouldn't ralph! SUCCESS!! Klein Curacao was definitely little! First we took a little hike to the big abandoned ship and the little abandoned boat. On our way there we stopped at the lighthouse. Walter is a lighthouse fan, so he went up to the top. It was pretty cool. I'm not sure what the story is about the big ship, but from what I hear, the story about the little boat is about jumping on opportunity. Apparently the boat owner fell asleep or something and ended up drifting onto the shore. He called for help and someone came and got him. He came back the next day to get his boat and it had been stripped of EVERYTHING!! Poor guy!

After the hike we went back to our side of the beach and got ready to go snorkeling. We lotioned up Grady and ourselves. Mike offered to babysit, so we were off! We heard that people were seeing sea turtles so we headed in that direction. Well, we didn't see any!! But, while we were not seeing anything, some people over in another area saw an octopus! AWESOME!! Seriously, there were so many things on this trip that I totally ALMOST saw! Some of the guys went scuba diving off the boat and came across some cool stuff. Oh, and a human skull. I'm sure there is a story behind that too! Again, I didn't see it! Then we had a BBQ on the yacht. They had some great food! It was about this time that I realized that I had BBQ'd myself!! The back of me was toast. I didn't think it was that bad, but the next morning I had a hard time walking. In fact, the rest of the trip I had a hard time walking. So so so sad!! Since this is the 2nd time I've burned myself while snorkeling, I think I'll wear pants if I do it again!! Anyway, after the BBQ we headed back. We drove a ways, and then they pulled out the sails. So beautiful!! Who'da thought a piece of fabric on a stick could be such a photo op, but it was amazing. Once we started sailing we saw something jump in the water. I tell you, this time I saw something....DOLPHINS!! Lots and lots of dolphins. Seriously. They loved us! We had like 50 around our boat, and then we would look out and more were coming to swim next to us. We had our cameras going like crazy!! It was so cool! We seriously saw over 100 dolphins. A MAZE ING!! So cool!! Because there were so many pictures of this day, I got a little crazy and made a slide show. Aren't we so cute!!

Oh yes, I guess I should explain the Marines. We were enjoying the beach and all of a sudden 3 black boats came cruising over. I guess it was the Dutch Marines and the US Marines doing some training stuff. Walter thought they were so cool! Then there was a helicopter that flew all around us. I guess they are making sure we weren't smuggling drugs. I hear that is frowned upon!! Luckily the only drug we were on was dramamine! It was pretty cool, though!

After such a great day we headed back to the hotel. The guys had to work the next day, so they have mandatory crew rest and have to go to bed by like 6:30, and honestly, I didn't have a problem with that at all!! I ate a subway and was out before 7 PM!! Luckily Grady was exhausted too. What a fun day!!


Kamille said...

Holy Cow!!! 4 days til breaking dawn and 10 days til Walter gets home. Great timing. You can wait for the book, then read it, then he'll be home.

Melinda said...

It's nice to know our military is defending paradise! Do you think there will pina coladas in heaven?