Saturday, September 13, 2008

OK, I've been trying to find the natural consequences for the rules my kids break. It is difficult at times. However, I'm stumped today. What is the natural consequence for running over your baby brother with the vacuum!?!?


Ouyang Dan said...


that is a really good question!

Melinda said...

Definitely run the perpetrator over with the vacuum cleaner as well. Eye for an eye. Be careful if the he/she has long hair. Then give him/her a hickey with the vacuum cleaner hose on the forearm or cheek (face or bum, doesn't matter.) Be careful not to raise your voice while punishing. Also be careful not to say the name of your vacuum while punishing your child, especially if you're punishing a boy, because he might mistake you for saying, "Die, son!" This could also cause your neighbors to get suspicious and all sorts of trouble might follow. Good luck! If all goes well, the "no running your baby brother over with the vacuum" rule shouldn't be broken again.

Jennifer Never said...

For a second I thought that picture of Winnie holding up the fortune was her holding up a "mommy's pregnant" somehting or other. Phew! What cute pictures. That blonde hair on Grady is fun! We miss you guys. Real quick...What am I thinking right now Amber? ;) Love yas!

Julie said...

You don't get to touch the vacuum or your baby brother. lol duh!

Tamra said...

LOL. That is funny. Natural consequence? When you figure that one out let me know what the natural consequence is for pushing your 1 year old sister down the stair in a toy dump truck.

Kamille said...

I'm voting for run him over with the vacuum. Or atleast suck on his stomache with the hose.