Tuesday, November 18, 2008


So, I once heard a relative of a relative (now that's a new way to start some gossip) say that after their mom would put them to bed, if they started calling out to her and asking her for things she would say she was off duty, or something to that effect. Well, I tried it tonight. My two sweet monsters would not go to sleep. After asking me for a million things, I finally said to Winni, "I'm not your mom!" Well, it backfired! She started crying and wailing. I went in to see why and she said, "you aren't my mom anymore!" It was heart-breaking. She won! I got her out of bed and held her and told her I was and am her mom...FOREVER! She kept telling me that it makes her sad when I say that. She is so stinkin cute! All she wanted was to be tucked in, for the millionth time tonight! So, I'm still her mom, even in the middle of the night.


Melinda said...

We are in a phase of battling crib escapes. I wish I could clock out some nights too. Don't you hate backfires? Poor Winni felt orphaned! But that's cute that she said that. Enjoy these moments while she still wants you to tuck her in and be her mom.

Erin said...

That's so cute. I hate when stuff like that happens. Sariah came into my bed last night at 2 and just cried. I couldn't make her happy for the life of me and then Beka woke up 20 minutes after because she peed in the bed. AAAAHHHHHH!!! It's so frustrating. I hope cute little winni-fred still believes that you're her mom.

Anna said...

awww... cute story! your kids are adorable!

Shauna said...

What a great blog you have here :)

Kamille said...


Jennifer Never said...

Nice! Of all the things you could of said you tell your 3-year-old you aren't her mom anymore. Was this like 3am that you said this? Were you 80% asleep? she is too cute!

The Petersons said...

I like the off duty one. Give her another hug.

Bekah said...

that's so sweet