Friday, July 3, 2009


Did you know that cabbage patch babies are born? Now, since we've determined how babies get in mommies tummy, we can conclude that Xavier Roberts plants seeds in the dirt like any other farmer. Although, I'm not sure how he gets babies out of dirt...but we saw it here!

Babyland General Hospital is in Cleveland, GA.

Growing under the magic tree we found the cabbage leaves were dilated to a 8. The nurse came out and did an ultrasound and found that the baby was a boy. I guess mommy cabbage was in a lot of pain, so they gave her some 'imagacillin' to help her!

Once she was to a 10, the nurse delivered the baby. I was surprisde the Dr didn't show up for the last 5 seconds to get his moneys worth. Oh well, the nurse did fine. And it was a beautiful baby boy!

After the baby was it born or sprouted?? Either way, after delivery the baby was named by the crowd and taken to the nursery, where he waited to be adopted, at the nice price of about $150! As you can see, there are a lot of cabbage patch babies waiting for nice homes!

Afterwards, we went out to the courtyard for some pictures.

Abby & Grady

Trae & Winni

Our motley crew!!

Gramps & Nana and all their Grandchildren!

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Julie said...

How fun! I would love to go there.

Unknown said...

I've allways wanted to go there.

Christina said...

That is so fun! I would love to go there one day. Are you kidding me about the price? Really, $150!? That is insane! The poor nursery will never empty out!