Sunday, July 12, 2009

pimpin' it

Grady style!

And it didn't take long...

to make the ladies smile!

This was from Thursday, the day we got here. Took him a whole 20 minutes to start workin his magic!


April said...

He's a cyber pimp too because I'm in love with the kid and I haven't met him!

Christina said...

What a stud!! He is really adorable!

Amber said...

LOL!!! You are hilarious! Love all the posts! Tell that kid to keep the girls smilin! And BLUE WHALE!?!?! Whatever!!! But funny how you tied that into your post nonetheless. :) You are awesome! Good LUCK in SC!!!!

Jennifer Never said...

He must get it from his dad. And your kids watch Diego so they got the blue whale comment from that show...not your big butt. Love yas!

youreprettytoo said...

It looks like Suzie has been replaced. If grady isn't near the one he loves, he loves the one he's near!