Saturday, July 11, 2009

Where are you lovely nails??

Dear Lovely Nails-

Oh, kind-hearted ladies of Lovely Nails! I miss you! The way you soak my feet. The way you use the razor even though you aren't supposed to! The way you hand me your upsale book of pictures of other peoples NASTY cute feet! They way you try so hard and usually succeed at insulting every person that comes through your doors. Insult all you want, because we come back for more. We even leave laughing and share our stories with others. Most of all, I love that I have never left with my feet looking like this... (Melinda's)

or this... (Mine)

Might you be looking to open a location in Maryland? It looks like South Carolina could use some help, too!


Sad little toes in SC!

I even tried to get an upsale! Do you do flowers?? Love Nails does! A line? ANYTHING!?! These toes are not much to admire...but at least they do look pretty, and Melinda and I got to spend some time out without kids, even if it was a Wal-Mart pedi shop! :)

Oh, and THANK YOU DAVID! For enduring 9 children, all under the age of 8. There were no incidents, no phone calls, he was even surprised to see us back 'already!'


April said...

I WISH my place would use the razor. Pssh, stupid laws. NC needs some help too, write them a letter for me would ya? ;)