Friday, June 27, 2008

For SALE!!

Well, the house is For Sale!! Can you believe it?? My wish came true and those "old people" didn't buy it! I know, I'm evil, but they actually found a home that works better for them, so here we are...

WOW! Quite the statement. I'm not sure why we haven't received any phone calls. I mean, it's been up for 2 days now. Even the neighbors are starting to notice the sign! :)

Maybe when we are serious we will actually put a sign in the yard! But why rush it!?!? I think my parents are just testing the water. Any takers??

Just to clear up any confusion...It's the house that is for sale! Not the soldier flag or any of the children living inside. Just the house!


Lisa said...

What is the asking price?

amberjill said...

$350K, and there will be grass!! :)

Unknown said...

I hope you guys dont move to far away! I will miss seeing you guys! I wish even more we could buy the house but we only got approved for 180 :( So sorry your dream with the kids wont work at least for us

jerbonashfoy said...

Sorry Amber that last comment from Diane was because I did not relize I was signed in to my moms account. Sorry again

youreprettytoo said...

Dangit- you took away my witty line! i was going to ask if the soldier flag or the window was for sale. That is when I thought when I saw the sign yesterday! But you beat me to it. But boo yah- I;m at the top of your blog roll for now. I'll show Lori I don't ever post!

Jennifer Never said...

From the looks of the picture your parents are trying to sabatoge their own efforts to sell the house...

That makes no sense.

PetersonFam said...

I think if you are really serious... you need to SOD and make the outside look like someone would like to buy it! Like when Dan and I got married. The yard looked so beautiful! Curb~Appeal is A-LOT!!

Julie said...

I will buy it!! I like the big sand pile in the front yard. You know its totally dad...he has to finish all his projects before he gets serious about the sell. I am telling you, you have a home for a couple more years...why do you want to leave me so bad??

Tamra said...

I think it has plenty of curb appeal-Just put up a big sign that says "no mowing necessary." Bring the price down 30k and I will take it!We are thinking of moving due to the distance to the kids school.