Sunday, June 22, 2008

Winni has been getting really good at recognizing numbers. If you ask her what her favorite letter is she will tell you it is the number R! OK, so she might still be a little confused, but we are working on it. On the way to Manti last night she noticed the Y on the mountain for BYU in Provo. She was so excited that the letter Y was on the mountain. Then, as we drove through Ephraim, she noticed the S on the mountain for Snow College. She said, "look mommy, an S!" Then, with wide eyes she was catching on to this great new idea of the alphabet on the mountain. She started looking around and shouted "where's the R?" Now, I need to find an R on a mountain somewhere! Anybody have an R on a mountain I could show my sweet Winni?!?


Missy said...

K, I'm a total nerd... there is an R in the movie CARS on the little Radiator Springs mtn