Tonight I went to the Liquor Store! I know, that's so like me! So, the purpose for my trip was to get boxes. I just got a storage unit and I am packing up Walter's desk and books so we can get this house looking nice for the potential buyers! Anyway, the house is now full of nice thick boxes which are great for packing books. Winni saw this as a nice distraction. Tonight she gave everybody a hug and said 'good bye' to our Korean ladies who are leaving tomorrow. I told her to go and get in bed for the umpteenth time and her response was...."the boxes need a hug!" I couldn't really understand what she was saying because it didn't make sense to me. So I told her to go ahead and hug whatever she was talking about. Sure enough she walked over to the 3 different stacks of boxes and gave them a big hug. Now, we can go to sleep knowing every "body" in the house got a hug from Winni!
Saturday, May 31, 2008
Friday, May 30, 2008
The Apple that fell FAR from the Tree!
On occasion, when I'm really having a hard time getting Winni to stay in her bed at night, I resort to bribes. I try to mask it a little bit by asking Winni what she wants for breakfast? She usually says she wants pancakes. So I tell her that if she stays in her bed and goes to sleep, I'll make pancakes in the morning. This morning I decided to be an extra cool mom and use my "sneaky chef" cookbook. It has a recipe for Chocolate Chip Pancakes. It calls for a bunch of good for you stuff, so you put the chocolate chips in to mask the texture of the wheat germ. Anyway, Trae ate 2 and Winni ate 1, so I thought we were doing good. Then, tonight as it was almost 11 PM and Winni was refusing to stay in her bed, I pulled out the bribe. She was falling for it and requested pancakes, but this time there was a stipulation. She said, "I want pancakes, but I don't want any chocolate on them!" WHAT!?!? Whose child are you? I guess tomorrow will be chocolate less pancakes!
Posted by
9:13 AM
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Has anybody seen my day at the park? It was scheduled for today! We were so excited, and then as we were getting ready to leave, this started
The gutters flooded in a matter of minutes! I think it might be time for some soap boat races!!
Posted by
12:24 PM
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Ugly girls need LOVE too!!
Tonight we had our farewell party for Jen! sniff sniff! It seems like lately we have to have a theme, so tonight it was Ugly Girls Need Love Too! And let me tell you, we some ugly girls! :) We all got dressed up as ugly as we could (which is hard when you look as good as we do! :))! Anyway, we met at Kelly's and did our "glamour shots!" Turns out
because we were all dressin' 80's style! Then we headed out for some LaserQuest! Poor "Lightning" didn't exactly dress right for the occasion, however she did meet the quota for ugly!
We were hoping that "El Preggo" and her 8 1/2 month fetus would have something exciting to share with us during laser tag...
but no!
Then there was Foxy! And boy was she...
anything but! hahahaha However, the highlights of the night consisted of her Marilyn Monroe impersonation, as well as at Sonic when she decided to get up and dance on the table! Definitely an 80's bridesmaid gone wild! Oh, and her LQ score of -36, but we don't talk about that. She's sensitive!
And the epitome of ugly herself Juice, the Porn Star Grandma...
She just couldn't seem to keep it in her pants!
But, with pants that tight, she couldn't have hid that toilet paper if she wanted to!
And, that pretty much sums it up! Thanks for such a fun night ladies! What?!?! My ugly pics? They don't exist! I guess I win, cause the camera just couldn't handle the site that I was! Oh well, maybe next time! Remember Jenny, you've got 1 year!
Posted by
11:09 PM
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Mom Award
Today I feel like the worst mom in the world!! Poor Grady! During pictures yesterday I didn't even think to put a hat on him, since I can't put sunscreen on him. I guess I'm used to my kids having hair!! My baby has a sunburned head!! I won't take pictures of it and I won't go into detail because I'll probably break down and cry from the guilt! I'm positive it will heal nicely, but for now I get the Worst Mom of the Year Award!!
Posted by
10:24 AM
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Walter-less Family Pictures
Today was Peterson Family pictures. We tried to get everyone together before Walter left, but that didn't happen. So, we went ahead and had them taken. We plan on somehow putting Walter into the pictures. It sure was hard work trying to keep my 3 holding still for pictures, but we survived! Here is a sampling of today...
I guess I could put more samples up, but we really are the cutest group! :) hahahaha If only I had a sampling the "the picture." The one where we used a body double to sit in as Walter. Not sure who's idea it was for the wives to basically sit on their husbands laps, but using the double was hilarious for this. Especially since the double was my nieces husband! Poor kid! I hope he's not scarred for life!! :)
Posted by
10:11 AM
Friday, May 23, 2008
When Grandma Babysits!!
I love coming home from being with friends. I know, it seems like that is all I do these days, but it was needed and has been wonderful! Anyway, last night was cooking club. After I had been home for a little while I heard Trae crying, so I went into his room to give him a hug. What I found was a bit disturbing. So, I took pictures this morning when he woke up.
He really didn't want me to take his picture. I had to talk him into it and try again...
Poor kid! Apparently Grandma couldn't find his jammies, therefore she used the next best thing?!? Dont ya think maybe just a diaper would be the next best thing?
Posted by
10:01 AM
Thursday, May 22, 2008
I am ExhAuSTeD today!! Grady has an ear infection and isn't feeling too good. Therefore, sleep is a scarce commodity in my life! Then there was the latest MiSSiON...
I mean, what typically law abiding citizen could resist a night with the girls?!?! OK, really it only took like 2 hours, but we will be talking about it FOREVER!! Just don't tell my husband. He frowns upon my secret lifestyle.
He is afraid it will come out on the campaign trail....but will be so much fun to TP me when I live at the White House, don't cha think??
Posted by
9:40 AM
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
ah.....poor little David! He did such a fantastic job tonight! I especially loved when he sang Apologize with One Republic. His entrance for that song was just like a superstar!! AWESOME! Awe, I just love that kid! The only part more memorable than that was his Guitar Hero commercial.
So so so funny to see him dancing around in boxers! Boy, has he come a long way! I'm really OK with his not winning. I just feel bad for my husband. He has been saying all along that Archie was going to take it. It just breaks my heart when my husband is wrong....however, it's even better when I'm right! (Which is always, of course!) Sorry, babe! Even still, David will always be "Murray's American Idol!" :)
Posted by
5:28 PM
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
#1 My mom is blow drying her hair. I run into her room, through the open door, to her bathroom to tell her I am running to Julie's to get the shop vac so I can vacuum Walter's Blazer, so I can sale it! :) She is stark naked! I scream, she screams, we all scream cause she's naked!! (no ice cream, thanks!)...AHHHH!!
#2 So, I was sitting there at Carmax, talking to the salesman. We were waiting for the appraisal of Walter's Blazer. Grady sitting on my lap. I pick him up to adjust and make him happy again and there it poop on my jeans...LOVELY!!
#3 I come home and when Winni wakes up from her nap she calls to me. I go into my room, where she is asleep on my bed and she informs me that...ooops, she peed on my bed...SUPER!!
#4 As I fix dinner, Trae comes in with a handful of something he fixed himself. As I grab his hand to see what it is, I get it all over my hand. I take him to his room to change his diaper and it is crawling up his back...FANTABULOUS!!
Just for safe measure, I'm keeping my distance from my father! However, I might take that ice cream NOW!!
Posted by
10:13 PM
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Nice LOOT!!
Ahhhh....I did so good!!
Today was the 40 family yard sale over by Jen and Julie's houses. What a madhouse!! It looked like a street carnival was going on. There was cotton candy, crepes, face painting. I couldn't believe it! Worse, I couldn't believe I had never been! We did great. I got lots of girl clothes. The biggest size they had was 2T, so I cleaned them out, well, almost. I picked up a lot of 2T and smaller clothes. Some of which I have to store (or give to Julie and Jen) until I have another girl. I even found this great toddler bed, complete with sheet and a nemo bedspread for $13! NICE! Oh yeah, and I became very ambitious this morning. I bought a toddler seat for my (ok Walter's) bike so I can take all 3 kiddos on a bike ride....someday! Definitely a beautiful, successful day!
Posted by
9:40 PM
Friday, May 16, 2008
abocado and swimsuits
Tonight, OK it really took place tomorrow night, but I forgot to blog yesterday!! Anyway, Winni had a lot of fun playing outside today. However, I find it very unfair that kids swimsuits are getting so so so cute these days. I mean, some suits out there are just ridiculous, but little kids still look so stinkin cute in them. I'm very jealous of Winni's new suit. I wish I had one! Maybe I just wish my tummy was as flat as hers, but so I go!! However, the main reason for this post is for Walter. This video is of Winni choosing to eat half of an avocado, or abocado as she says it, instead of a chimichanga. She basically licked it clean! Poor Trae felt robbed!
She defnintely has increased her healthy fat intake, if only it showed up on her tummy the way my fat intake shows on mine. I'm a jealous mother, I know! I still think she is the cutest little bucket in the world!
Posted by
9:49 PM
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Shoulda, Woulda, Coulda...
OK, remember this day??? 2 Toddlers + 2 Hours in a car = Fat Ornery Momma Well, today I had to go back to that dreadful place (Hill Air Force Base) to clear up our insurance. While I was looking for the Tricare office I found a family waiting room! It was stocked with blocks and cushion thingys and toys and other fun things! Oh how that would have been a much better option....if only I'd known!! Oh well, now I know!
Oh yeah, and isn't Grady just the cutest in his handsome hat!!
Posted by
8:18 PM
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Woo Hoo!!
Yeah! What a beautiful day!! It feels like it's been FOREVER since I got a pedicure! Finally I was able to cash in a gift certificate I received back in February! Every time I have a baby my friend, Brooke, gives me a gift certificate to get a pedicure. This time I was so sad I wouldn't get to use it for a while, due to my lovely broken foot! Well, I've been out of my boot for a month now and I'm finally OK with other people touching my feet. Can I tell you how nice it feels?!?! It's like, you know those weeks when you don't get a shower! And, finally on Sunday morning you shower before church, or whenever you get to it! You just feel fresh and new! OK, maybe I'm the only one who chooses sleep over showering....sometimes. I mean, I always shower, everyday. I have no clue what you are talking about! Who hijacked my blog?! I so shower as needed! And take note, I got out of Lovely Nails without a flower on my big toe! PROGRESS!!
Posted by
8:29 PM
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
See you soon, BABE!
Well, Walter left us this morning! He will be gone til *$&. $&, 2008! I can't believe it! He went to &%*#($), which is south of here. The kids have already started asking about him. Whenever we pull into the driveway and they see his car they say "daddy's home!" They will be so excited in #%&!*# when he finally gets to come home! So, to pass the time we are planning out our days. So far we have Adventure Days on the west side, Adventure Days on the east side, memberships to the Living Planet Aquarium and the Discovery Gateway. We are also fitting swimming lessons in there somewhere. What I'm asking is...have I missed any other fun things to plan to do with 3 small children? I might appear crazy, but really I'm trying to wear my kids out so we can get some good sleep, too!
Walter took a lot of things with him to (#*@&$&. A lot of which will remain there, including this nice double chin! lova ya babe!!
Posted by
3:12 PM
Monday, May 12, 2008
We're Bringing Sexy Back.....WHAT?!?
Well, with Walter leaving soon, we decided to take our "before" pictures! Since, of course, we will both be so dang sexy we won't recognize each other! So, tonight we took pictures...
Walter looks like this...
But, after his summer diet of Easy Mac and Beef Jerky, will look like this...
And, for myself, I look like this (apparently Walter is only concerned with my upper body!)...
And after my summer of mystery green drinks and late night Kneaders Cheesecake, will look like this...'s nice to have goals!!
Posted by
4:16 PM
Thursday, May 8, 2008
I used to stress over Winni's clothes. I wanted to make sure she matched, looked cute, all that stuff. However, once she learned how to dress herself, it was all over!! I've got to pick my battles, and often times this one just isn't worth it. So, when I found this today....
I decided to just let it happen, as long as we stayed home!! :)
Posted by
10:07 AM
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
La Quinta is spanish for "WHAT THE!?!?!"
Yesterday we ventured far....all the way to 7200 S to the local LaQuinta! Walter had some rewards points we needed to use, so we rented the suite! woo hoo!! It had the potential to be so nice, however the nicest part was that we were together! This suite fell a little short of our expectations. I mean, is it too much to ask for our full kitchen to come with more than 1 fork and 1 spoon? Or maybe a couch that didn't swallow you whole? Good thing we didn't go for the pampering, we did go for the swimming, and it was fantastic! A little cold, but the kids loved it. They even swam by themselves, with their life jackets on, without clinging to Walter for dear life! I, on the other hand, stayed on deck with Grady and a bowl in hand ready for the next ralphing episode! (no, i'm not prego, I had some nasty 24 hour bug!) We had so much fun swimming. Afterwards we ordered Dominos and cheered for David on American Idol. We were so exhausted, since we have both been sick, so we went to bed at 9:30! We are such party animals. We slept so great that in the morning Walter let me know he "slept like a pimp!" I'm not quite sure what that means, and if it is a good thing, but he was happy! I just love all this time we are getting to spend with him. I mean, who wouldn't love this guy!!
Sorry, I was a little slow on the picture taking. Well, I guess I could also say "Your welcome" to the same thought!!
Posted by
9:57 PM
Monday, May 5, 2008
OK, I know we live in SLC and all, but this week we have decided to be tourists in SLC! We started our vacation a few blocks from home at Wheeler Farm! We had a lot of fun. We took a whole loaf of bread to feed the ducks, but, even though the bag o bread was empty when we left, I'm pretty sure the ducks didn't eat it all. They had a little help from my kids. They were break some off for the ducks, break some off for themselves, and so on. It was very cute. We loved the piggies too! Winni kept saying "oink oink." I realized poor middle child Trae doesn't know what the animals say. He only knows doggie says woof! I guess we need to spend more time together! Ahhh.....enjoy our slide show of the fun we had tonight.
Posted by
7:48 PM
Sunday, May 4, 2008
Saturday, May 3, 2008
So you think you can DANCE!?!?
This morning at Dan and Steph's I found a jam session going on! It was so funny! I heard the music and went to see what the kids were up to. This is what I found...
Trae's guitar solo...
Winni & Kaden rockin guitar hero style!
Posted by
10:14 AM
Friday, May 2, 2008
Oh, sorry I forgot!!
Do you ever find yourself, around 11 AM, wondering why you couldn't have just skipped this day? Or why you weren't prepared mentally for this? After a wonderful night of kids taking turns waking up, for the 2nd night in a row, I should have expected this. However, at this point, I don't exactly remember everything that I forgot. hahahaha The other day at the store I was so proud of myself for remembering to buy kids soap, then I even remembered to bring it with me up to Logan! I went to use it on the kids this morning and as I put it in Winni's hair something seemed bubbles! It was lotion. So I asked Kaden to grab the bottle up above me. I went to use it....conditioner! OK grab the little bottle that is left....body wash! Finally, we found a sample of shampoo! Then, it was my turn to shower. So, I went to gather my things so I could get dressed in the bathroom and....oooops!! I forgot to pack myself pants! And, I forgot to pack Sunday clothes for the kids. I got me a skirt, but no shoes. ugh! I'll look so cute with my tan skirt and gray NIKE shox! So, as I'm enjoying Dan & Steph's fantastic shower I, I forgot to get a towel! Luckily, Steph had some towels hanging in the bathroom. Ya know, the ones you have more as a compliment to the bathroom rather than to be used. Well, I used it! (sorry Steph) So, I get dressed and decided to borrow some pants. Just for fun I looked at Stephs pants. Well, we know I'm not a size 8 nor am I 5' nothin!! So, I opted for Dan's pants. Sadly (not that you are fat, Dan, but...ya know) they fit. Well, around the waist. They are still a little short! hahahaha Anyway...I can only hope and pray that my kids take a good nap today so that I can atleast fall asleep and pretend to start the day again.
Posted by
5:57 PM
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Proud Mommy Moment
After one of our many visits to the potty today Winni came out quite pleased with herself. She came to me to report "Mommy, I pooped a dinosaur!"
Posted by
5:55 PM