Thursday, May 22, 2008

I am ExhAuSTeD today!! Grady has an ear infection and isn't feeling too good. Therefore, sleep is a scarce commodity in my life! Then there was the latest MiSSiON...

I mean, what typically law abiding citizen could resist a night with the girls?!?! OK, really it only took like 2 hours, but we will be talking about it FOREVER!! Just don't tell my husband. He frowns upon my secret lifestyle.

He is afraid it will come out on the campaign trail....but will be so much fun to TP me when I live at the White House, don't cha think??


Unknown said...

hmmmm....i think i am speechless. Honey you are definitely crazy and I guess that is why I married you. Love you, the husband

Julie said...

To the Husband....are you still planning on running for President? You might be in trouble with the wife you picked. Her past and present are questionable.

Missy said...

Hey, if Joey ends up as his manager (or whatever) I think that everything will turn out just fine! Amber, you crack me up. You rebel.

Melinda said...

I totally miss TP'ing!. Can I come play with you guys?