Thursday, May 8, 2008


I used to stress over Winni's clothes. I wanted to make sure she matched, looked cute, all that stuff. However, once she learned how to dress herself, it was all over!! I've got to pick my battles, and often times this one just isn't worth it. So, when I found this today....

I decided to just let it happen, as long as we stayed home!! :)


Rebecca said...

Boy, you have done a lot of catching up. It all looks great and fun. Thanks for sharing. Winnie's hair looks so straight at Dan's house, did you do something to it? Happy Mother's Day

Julie said...

Well, at least Winni can pull it off...where Walter the 2nd on the other hand doesnt quite have the magic. Was that a hand towell??

Kamille said...

I absolutely love it. At least she has the cutest hair and face. You're such a fabulous mother!!