Saturday, May 24, 2008

Walter-less Family Pictures

Today was Peterson Family pictures. We tried to get everyone together before Walter left, but that didn't happen. So, we went ahead and had them taken. We plan on somehow putting Walter into the pictures. It sure was hard work trying to keep my 3 holding still for pictures, but we survived! Here is a sampling of today...

I guess I could put more samples up, but we really are the cutest group! :) hahahaha If only I had a sampling the "the picture." The one where we used a body double to sit in as Walter. Not sure who's idea it was for the wives to basically sit on their husbands laps, but using the double was hilarious for this. Especially since the double was my nieces husband! Poor kid! I hope he's not scarred for life!! :)


Lori said...

Love this picture. Too bad Walter was with you!