Wednesday, May 21, 2008


ah.....poor little David! He did such a fantastic job tonight! I especially loved when he sang Apologize with One Republic. His entrance for that song was just like a superstar!! AWESOME! Awe, I just love that kid! The only part more memorable than that was his Guitar Hero commercial.

So so so funny to see him dancing around in boxers! Boy, has he come a long way! I'm really OK with his not winning. I just feel bad for my husband. He has been saying all along that Archie was going to take it. It just breaks my heart when my husband is wrong....however, it's even better when I'm right! (Which is always, of course!) Sorry, babe! Even still, David will always be "Murray's American Idol!" :)


Julie said...

If your heart always breaks when your husband is wrong...then you should have died a long time ago of a broken heart....JK Walter. We love ya!

Unknown said...

So, I am always right, huh? I will have to remember that when you forget. hahahaha Love you, and David Archuletta is a winner. Love you hunny.