Saturday, October 11, 2008

Guess what today is??

Walter's birthday!! The cradle robber in our family turned 33 today! We decided to go low key for our birthday's this year, so last night we went to PF Chang's and today the kids and I decorated the living room while he was gone! We were going to surprise him with a cake, but Winni forgot it was a surprise and told Daddy all about it!

Oh, and it's falling apart at the bottom because Trae decided to take a bite out of the bottom layer. It was pretty yummy!! It was a pumpkin cake with a cream cheese frosting! Not only did we decorate for him, we got him some matching socks, too! Well, they match each other, not his birthday. But, that is what makes them different from the rest of his socks! He actually told me that for his birthday he wanted matching socks. Pretty easy guy! Which, of course, is why I married him! ;) Love you BABE!!



Rebecca said...

Happy, Happy Birthday, Walter dear. Happy days will come to you all year . . . I'll spare you the rest of my song and just say I hope you had a great day. 33 is getting up there.You are getting closer to my age all the time. Look out.

Melinda said...

What are those pellets on top?

amberjill said...

Oh, Melinda...those would be candied pecans!!

Melinda said...

Very good! I was hoping that wasn't cat food. Candied pecans sounds much tastier. Good job on the homemade cake! Hope Walter had a good birthday.

The Peterson 5 said...

Happy Birthday Walter!!

Missy said...

That cake sounded yummy. Happy Birthday Walter! (Old man. :)