Wednesday, October 29, 2008

I'd love to babysit...

But I make no promises to wipe noses or bumbs! I will claim that her nose just started running and I hadn't noticed the poop smell until I saw you walking down my stairs! Oh, and the Mt.Dew??? She said something about starting the day off right? I don't know what you do at your house, but I didn't want her to miss you, so I gave her the whole can!

Every Monday I watch Miss Q while Julie volunteers in Abe's class. This week she was a little monster! She was totally acting her age! She kept turning the TV off and making Winni mad, she would turn the disposal on and walk away, and then she went through my cupboards. She found the "supply" and helped herself. No, I didn't open it for her, but I did allow her to walk around with it while she licked the top. Then, when I started taking pictures she started turning her head so I could get her mug shots! This girl is TROUBLE!!


Julie said...

And she has a sweet mullet.

Rebecca said...

she is a cutie, you are a great sister. Wish you loved to babysit my sweet children.

youreprettytoo said...

She is trouble- the apple doesn't fall far from the tree!