Wednesday, January 16, 2008

EERRRRRRRRRRRT!! Well, if this morning didn't put a damper on my plans.....After yesterdays post, my brother was at my house, like he is most nights, but last night was different. He was here at dinner time. He was impressed that I was making breadsticks from scratch! I know, very impressive!! He made the comment, "wow! you have a complex life!" AMEN!! It was so nice to hear someone say that. It reminded me to take a deep breath and be nice to my kids. So, after baths we sat down and read books for like an hour!! Winni was so into the books. It was great! Then during my nightly prayers, I prayed for more patience. OOPS!! I recently heard someone say that if you pray for patience, you will not all of a sudden be more patient with what you have, you will be given the opportunity to increase you patience. I guess I should have been more specific in my prayer. So, this morning, my prayer was answered. On my 3rd trip out to the garage I started down the stairs as usual. I missed turning on the light, but I was only going to the fridge, so I figured I'd just make it quick. Little did I know there was a surprise at the bottom of the steps.... a nice little gardening shovel. I stepped right on it and as I went down I heard a crack! I started screaming for Walter and banging on the door. He came out and rescued me. We went to the hospital and after 3 x-rays.....dum dah dah dah!!!!

I broke my foot!! I have never broken a bone in my body!! What part of being 38 weeks pregnant and "nesting" does this fit into? So, next week I find out if I'll need surgery, after the baby. I have fallen way too many times this pregnancy, which makes me believe this baby is a boy, because a girl would never make me this un-graceful!! I'm thinking the Lord is trying to tell me that health insurance is a must for this child.....and we should find a house without stairs!!


The Petersons said...

I guess I will be the first to say on your blog, "I am sorry". I wish I could be there to help. I know just how it feels. I have broken toes, ankle etc. It hurts, but the ice sure feels good. Thank all the neighbors for assisting you at this time. I love you.

歐陽丹 said...

oh noes! you poor thing! if i were there i would be over to help! instead *zap* i am sending you happier thoughts...

good luck w/ the broken foot...and remember maybe this is Someone's way of telling you to slow down a i understand it, the answer you receive won't always be a 'yes' or a 'no' take care of you too! w/o a healthy babymomma there is no where to grow a baby!