Wednesday, January 23, 2008

GREAT NEWS! I'm 1 week into healing and I don't need surgery!! woo hoo! We just got back from the Dr and he said they see this kind of break all the time, maybe 3 or 4 a day even! He said this is the ideal bone to break, so good job to me!! I will be in my walking boot for about 6 weeks, but I am supposed to/allowed to put weight on it. As long as it doesn't hurt. So, in 3 weeks we will re x-ray and see how it's healing. They might decide then for surgery, but most likely NO SURGERY! So, I'm excited! It's a beautiful day, my children are perfect, I'm still pregnant, my wonderful husband skipped class to take me to the Dr., and I even got to take a shower today. My life couldn't get any better!! Alright, now it's time for a fantastic bowl of cereal! :)


Julie said...

I am so happy for you!!

Kamille said...

Amber - hooray. I never knew there could be a good day at nine months pregnant. Way to re-invent the wheel. Hope all keep on the up-hill climb. Can't wait to kiss that little baby.

Jennifer Never said...

A "fantastic bowl of cereal" huh? Well good for you then!!! It is so good to hear your break isn't all that special. If I were you I would have told everyone I shattered every bone in my foot and I can't get up for another 4 weeks,and I can't change any diapers or cook...What were you thinking!!! You probably could've even gotten me over there working...

Kevin Pratt said...

Amber, hey! I am Julie's friend you met a couple of times. I can't remember if you had a baby right around the time I seems like you did. Good luck. With broken bones, you'd better get like two weeks of dinner from the R.S. I always thought having a baby was worth it just for dinners I didn't have to make:)

youreprettytoo said...

Hey- the church is true! when you pray for miracles they do happen. I'm so glad you don't have to have surgery!

歐陽丹 said...

what a relief! surgery is one thing you don't need w/ a new baby!

enjoy that "fantastic bowl of cereal!"
