Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Apparently after you pass your due date, the baby countdown starts counting up! I'm not quite sure what this means. Is it going to count back up 9 months to let me know it's time to get pregnant again?!? I sure hope not! I need some acknowledgement of my overdue-ness. Oh well, Trae was 1 week late, I might as well plan on all my babies being late, which is OK. That way we get big babies with lots of hair!! Heck, if this baby is a girl, maybe we can leave the hospital with a pony tail! :) If we wait long enough, maybe my baby can get it's first haircut before we leave the hospital and donate those 6 inches to Locks of Love! Well, now I just sound like I've lost it! Just wanted to report no contractions....yet!


The Petersons said...

Thanks for the report. Lets go for the pony tail.